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Tonsilloliths 101 – What Everyone Should Know About Tonsilloliths

The tonsils are small masses of lymphoid tissue that help protect our bodies from respiratory infections. They guard the back of the throat to prevent foreign invaders from entering our lungs and intestines. Food particles are easily trapped in people with large tonsils and deeper crypts. The tonsils also trap bacteria, mucous membranes, and dead cells. They combine, harden, and continue to grow. These enlarged lumps are called tonsil stones or tonsilloliths. They are more likely to occur in adults than in children.

Tonsilloliths are deep in the throat. Most people with this problem have no associated symptoms. However, for some people, these unpleasant stones are quite annoying, giving a foreign body sensation, a sore throat, chronic tonsillitis, and bad breath. You can get rid of tonsil stones by scraping them or removing the tonsils through a surgery called a tonsillectomy. But before resorting to a surgical method, it is recommended to remove these white pieces that protrude from the tonsils naturally.

One remedy is to boil the milk and add turmeric and pepper powder to help relieve inflammation and pain. You can also try lime juice in warm water and then add a little salt to the mixture to make it more effective. Other drinks include mixing fenugreek seeds with water. Simmer these seeds for about half an hour. Let it cool and then gargle with it. It will undoubtedly be relieved of the discomfort. Eating fresh vegetables and drinking fruit juices helps boost your immune system and reduces the duration of these nasty bits.

Always remember that prevention is better than cure. Gargle with a salt water solution, cider vinegar, or alcohol-free, sugar-free mouthwash every day to win the battle against tonsilloliths.


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