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Treat enlarged adenoids with homeopathy

Not many know that adenoids are part of the body’s natural immune system. ADENOIDS are not a disease. Many patients come to us saying that their child has adenoids or so the surgeon tells them that he wants to operate on the child and remove her adenoids. First of all, let’s understand that adenoids are the body’s natural weapons against infection and foreign invaders. They function in our body as a protective mechanism and are one of the first lines of defense.

Adenoids are a mass of lymphatic tissue located in the posterior nasal cavity where the nose bends down into the throat.

They are made up of lymphoid tissue. Like other lymph glands, white blood cells circulate through these adenoids, reacting to foreign invaders in the body. All have adenoids at birth; little by little they begin to reduce their size and in adulthood, in most people they disappear. Thus, we can very well intuit that during childhood, the adenoids are an important tissue if we want our children not to suffer frequent infections. Therefore, removing the adenoids is never the main option when there is a problem with them.

Apparently the only indication for removing adenoids is sleep apnea, in which a child’s airway is completely obstructed by excessively enlarged adenoids when the child is breathless and blue-faced at night, resulting in makes him sleepless

Clinical features-

A child in whom the adenoids have enlarged is said to have an adenoid face. Characteristics include an elongated face with a short upper lip, prominent incisors, high nostrils, and a high arched palate. The child breathes continuously through the mouth. Some children with swollen adenoids can breathe through their mouths only at night.

How can homeopathy help?

As homeopathy strengthens the child’s immunity through its classical constitutional medicine, a child with swollen adenoids is no exception. However, taking a detailed history of the child, her family history, miasmatic study considering her birth and conception history is imperative in selecting the correct remedy. As with any acute exacerbation of a chronic case, it should first be the duty of the homeopath to relieve the child of his acute problems due to enlarged adenoids. Only after the child is able to receive a constitutional dose solving his acute problems, one can opt for the constitutional drug which will not only put an end to the recurring tonsillitis (if present) but even reduce the swelling of his adenoids. Most children return to normal facial structure and reduced mouth breathing after receiving homeopathic therapy.

The most important remedies to differentiate when treating swollen adenoids are Baryta carb, Agraphis nutans, Calcarea phos, Calcarea carb, Hydrastis, Bromium, and Tuberculinum. Tuberculinum as an intercurrent nosode is used quite often in cases of adenoidal swellings. However, Medorrhinum should also be considered if a psychotic family history predominates. For acute ailments that arise due to adenoids, remedies such as Belladonna, Hepar sulf, Merc sol, Wyethia, etc. can be used.


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