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Use proper etiquette on social media for business

It’s been quite a while since we last talked about social media etiquette for business. However, there is much to be said on the subject. In this article, we’ll give you a fresh perspective on an extremely important aspect of professional behavior.

The rules to follow

At this point, social media is certainly not new or mysterious, although it does evolve at an extremely fast rate. New aspects of the various social media channels are frequently introduced. Of course, there are the basics of proper etiquette and then there is another layer that is certainly worth considering. Just to think about the history of social media etiquette for a moment, it all started in the 1990s and it just evolved from there to what it is today. At first, no one had a clear idea of ​​exactly how to behave. Initially there was a trial and error situation, but the proper etiquette is pretty well established at this point.

To be sure, there are certain behaviors that are obviously wrong for everyone who experiences them. In those cases, it is easy to understand right from wrong. Then there are the behaviors that are more subtle and less obvious and more difficult to determine if they are right or wrong or just personal preference. One thing that makes it easier sometimes is that some of the social media channels will provide you with their etiquette rules. That leaves no room for maneuver on your part. Whether you agree to those rules or not, you have an obligation to follow them if you want to be a part of that particular social media channel. It is the rules that have a subjective element that need to be determined. The sad reality is, if you can’t figure them out, you may find yourself in awkward situations that you’re not entirely sure how to get out of. In addition to following the rules of etiquette chosen by other people, you should also set your own rules. That will help guide you and make things much easier for you on a day-to-day basis.

One thing that makes it easier sometimes is that some of the social media channels will provide you with their etiquette rules. That leaves no room for maneuver on your part. Whether you agree to those rules or not, you have an obligation to follow them if you want to be a part of that particular social media channel. It is the rules that have a subjective element that need to be determined. The sad reality is, if you can’t figure them out, you may find yourself in awkward situations that you’re not entirely sure how to get out of. In addition to following the rules of etiquette chosen by other people, you should also set your own rules. That will help guide you and make things much easier for you on a day-to-day basis.

Contribute something of value to others

When it comes to the content you’re sharing, you want it to be educational, valuable, engaging, and you want your readers to want to share it with others they know and trust. In fact, your ultimate goal is to make your content go viral through the actions of the people who are reading it. If you’re going to achieve that, your content needs to not only be well-written, but also exciting to read. You may think that having to meet all of those criteria is a big burden. However, once you start writing and sharing valuable content that other people have written, it will start to become much more fluid. You will see! It is a very good idea to sit down and think about what you want to write before writing anything. You want to write content that resonates with a large number of people, that the person reading your content can use to improve their business, is in the most user-friendly format, that meets the needs and wants of the people who read it, and that is available. for your readers at a time when they will be willing to read it. If you accomplish all of that with your content, you will be successful.

Write personal messages

Automating certain things is really valuable and convenient. However, when it comes to responding to other people online after they have made an effort to contact you, you must do so personally. After all, you are trying to build a human relationship with the other person. There’s no way offering a canned message is enough. If you do that, the human / emotional element will definitely be missing. Without it, you won’t get anywhere. People don’t like being treated like they don’t matter and that’s exactly how an automated message will make them feel. How would you feel about it?

Be timely

Not only do you need to respond to other people personally, but you also need to respond quickly to them. You probably don’t want to wait long for the other person’s response, so why would you think the other person would feel differently about it? Once again, everything builds a relationship together again. To do that, you need to interact as humans. If you are overwhelmed by work, you should ask someone else (who is related to your business) to respond on your behalf. Whatever happens, the answer must be human. The fact is that the comments you receive online will not all be positive. Negative comments are the ones that are even more urgent and critical to respond to. All of that is part of building your relationships. By addressing concerns quickly and rectifying them, you will be building trust and credibility, which are two of the solid relationship building blogs.

Show some class

As a parallel, think of the divorced couple with children. Joint custody and each speaks bitterly of the other to the children. We all know that behaving in this way is inappropriate, destructive, and just plain wrong. Well, now you can apply that concept to whether you choose to be respectful when talking about your competitors. The fact is, your competitors are doing nothing wrong by giving you a run for your money. They are in exactly the same position as you. They have a brand and products and / or services that they believe in. Your desire is to enhance someone else’s experience based on that brand and those products and / or services. Don’t you feel exactly the same? Most likely, yes. Don’t say negative or disrespectful things about them. It makes you look insecure and mean. If you are confident in what you are doing and what you are offering to other people, it is not necessary. Everything starts from within.

Make your content as shareable as possible

The format of your content is very important when it comes to making it easy for other people to share it. If you follow the rules of the particular social media channel you are posting to, it will be much easier to share your content. As you probably know, some of the social media channels have length restrictions. As difficult as it may be, you should do everything you can to respect them. Otherwise, your content will be truncated. That will certainly do you (or your content) good.

Always put your professional foot forward

You are probably aware of the fact that you have social networks for personal and business reasons. Of course, what we are discussing here is business. You should make sure to keep any personal items out of your business social media interactions. It is simply not appropriate. You must ensure that you have separate accounts for personal and business use. Trust me when I tell you that if you don’t do that, your professional connections won’t take you seriously. If that happens, you will not be successful in business.


Social media etiquette for business is critical to your success. Chances are you’re already doing most of what would be considered proper etiquette. You may have to adjust a few minor things that didn’t occur to you before, but it’s really no big deal. What should drive your behavior at all times is respect and admiration for others. Of course, you have to make sure that your content is not offensive to anyone and that it helps other people in some way. That should be another (and very important) motivator for you.


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