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Virtual mailbox services provide online viewing capabilities

If you’re looking for a virtual mailbox (for postal mail), you probably already know what you want. You want a service that will scan your mail and put it online so you can read it without paper cuts. Surely that’s not too much to ask?

Well, I’ll tell you, it’s not too much to ask, and that service exists with today’s technology. Most of the time it is called Virtual Mailbox. Now don’t confuse this with the virtual mailbox that forwards emails. This virtual mailbox is for us postal mail, often called postal mail.

The mail forwarding service you select will first scan your envelope and put it online in your account. You then look at the envelopes and decide if you want to scan the contents and also put it online. At this point in your life, you know which pieces of mail you receive that are “commercial bulk mail (spam in my terms). With a click of the mouse you can get rid of that piece of mail. The service will shred it for you and get rid of it.” .

So, in just a few seconds, you can check your mail online and decide what to do with it. Some virtual mailbox services also give you the option to retrieve paper mail if you want it forwarded to where you are. The best and greenest option is to scan your mail and view it online.

The virtual mailbox service is mainly used by those who travel a lot or have a summer house and/or a winter house. It is not designed to be turned on and off for short vacations because it requires you to change your address through the post office to the mail forwarding service. But once that’s done, you can rest assured that your mail will no longer get lost while you’re trying to chase it down.

If you did not know this service, I hope I have convinced you how much it is. You no longer have to drive anywhere to get your mail, it’s always just a click away on your computer. So stop the nonsense of changing your mailing address every time you go to your “other” house. Use a virtual mailbox instead. It’s easy, it’s eco-friendly, and it’s guaranteed.

There are several options in Mail Forwarding Services to help you decide what to do with your mail. Check out our review of two of the most recommended virtual mailbox services so you can choose the company that’s right for you, at a price you can afford.


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