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What is Reiki?

Reiki is actually a Japanese therapy typically described as hands-on or hands-on-body healing, in which a health professional gently places their hands on or just above the patient’s body to facilitate the healing process. healing.

One of the most essential and basic ideas of this healing process is the idea that vital energy can be channeled and transmitted to support the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

That said, throughout history there has been little scientific evidence to support these claims. There are also no scientific claims to support the assumption that life energy exists. However, despite this fact, Reiki has not been shown to be harmful in any way. The worst practice can do is ‘nothing’.

In recent years this practice has been introduced and integrated into many different healthcare settings including; hospitals and other clinics. A lot of recent data suggests that this type of therapy might actually play some sort of role in reducing the overall amount of anxiety and/or pain. It can also improve relaxation, fatigue, and even help reduce symptoms of depression.

Where he came from?

This particular therapy dates back to the late 19th and 20th century. These techniques were introduced by Mikao Usui. His teachings and techniques were actually inspired by various traditional Asian healing practices.

At the root of the practice is the concept that illness is primarily caused by imbalances of vital energy within the body. These imbalances cause many different problems in the body and improving/correcting these imbalances can promote overall healing of the body.

How does it work?

A Reiki session is done by having the patient lie down on a massage table. Once the patient lies down, the doctor places his hands directly on the patient’s body. They do this in several different positions that usually start at the actual crown of the head.

The Reiki energy then works by flowing through the actual practitioner, through their hands and through the patient lying on the table. The exact mechanism by which the body transmits energy is unknown. Believe it or not, some Reiki masters even claim to be able to treat patients despite not being located near them. This practice is known in the field as “distant healing.”

No one really knows how this practice works. Some people assume it has to do with the body’s natural electromagnetic field. Another theory is that it simply promotes general relaxation, which can help reduce patients’ stress levels and encourage the body to heal itself naturally.

If you are interested in trying Reiki, you will want to find an experienced practitioner. Many people have reported excellent results from this practice despite a lack of evidence from research and other studies. Make sure you find a professional who has experience and knowledge in the field. I hope now you know the answer to the question “What is Reiki?” http://what-is-reiki.com/


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