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What Is The Difference Between Betta Therapy And Regular Horseback Riding?

Betta Therapy And Regular Horseback Riding

The first question that comes to our mind when we hear the term “therapeutic horseback riding” is what is the difference between equine assisted therapy and therapeutic horseback riding? Horseback riding in all its forms has been a popular sport since the time of the ancient Romans, who believed that wearing horseback riding breeches would make a horse’s stables run better. In the same way, many equestrians feel that they can give better service to animals if they adopt this same attitude. Therapeutic horseback riding, however, is actually different from therapeutic riding in many ways. There are many differences between equine therapy and simply horseback riding.

First of all, the equipment used in therapeutic horseback riding do not require any special skills on the part of the rider or the horse. It does not matter whether the horse is an old one or a young one. What is important is that the horse is comfortable with the rider’s presence as well as the environment in which the therapy is taking place. Therapeutic horseback riding is not a sport and therefore does not require any particular skill.

The horses are usually kept on a specialized ranch, where they are protected from the elements. There are special filters installed in the horses’ drinking water to remove any possible toxins, and the horses’ feed is also pasteurized to kill any parasites. This helps to reduce the number of sick horses that enter the therapy units. The horses are also conditioned so that they can be ridden without causing undue stress to the animal.

What Is The Difference Between Betta Therapy And Regular Horseback Riding?

The therapy horseback riders are specially trained to handle the animals gently. Horseback riding is a form of relaxation and exercise for horses. Because of this, some equine centers choose to use horseback riding lessons or instruction when caring for a horse. A typical horseback exercise class is held once or twice a week and is usually limited to no more than eight horses.

One major difference between equine therapy and regular horseback riding is that therapy horses do not wear any kind of lead; the rider places his/her feet in front of the horse. (orses have very sensitive hooves and can easily be hurt by contact with sharp objects.) Also, the horse may be tethered to the lead by a specially fitted leather thong, and the exercise may also be impeded by the cold wind during wintertime. In other words, the horse must have constant physical support in order to prevent injury.

So, What is equine assisted therapy and regular horseback riding? First of all, therapy horses require much more frequent exercise because they are working so hard. As well, horses require special care because of their cold and slippery feet. Regular horseback riding allows the horse to relax without the constant physical support that the therapy horse requires. In conclusion, if you want to maintain your expensive horse at high levels of performance, don’t let your budget get in the way of a great relationship!


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