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What to wear on your mission trip

While in Uganda, I observed some cultural idiosyncrasies that I took note of and thought it would be helpful for me to share them with other people.

I’ve thought and put together some dos and don’ts of what to wear and what not to wear for your next mission trip. One thing to be careful about is wearing scented perfumes, including scented shampoos and lotions, which can attract mosquitoes and other insects that can cause malaria. You don’t want to wear heavily scented items just to be safe.

There are many cultural differences in foreign countries that we are not always aware of here in the United States. I was riding a “Boda Boda” (which is more commonly known as a motorcycle) in Uganda, Africa, where I was told that I had to make sure to carry a small bag because if my bag is too big, someone may think that I am very rich and that I will try to steal my purse!

They also told me that women should wear long skirts and not pants. This was based in part on our individual mission base, however this was a more widely accepted way of dressing for women. Someone mentioned to me that it is not considered “lady-like” for a woman to ride a bicycle! This struck me as a bit strange due to our cultural differences here in the United States. From what I understand, it is a bit degrading for women of Ugandan culture to ride a bicycle.

You’ll also want to make sure you pack the lightest clothing possible, depending on the weather in your destination of choice. This will help you avoid baggage fees, as your luggage is too heavy to check in at the airport. Universally, a fifty pound luggage limit is standard, so packing too much can cost you extra money.

As a woman, I find that dressing modestly is very important. Many people have different opinions on this topic. However, to keep it simple, dressing modest will cause less trouble than dressing in a more revealing way.

I was surprised that the Ugandan people dress very well. The word I learned was a very British sounding word used to imply that a person looks very elegant. If a Ugandan says: “Today you are very smart!” (Smart is pronounced “Smaat”)

This means that you look very stylish and well armed! I loved hearing this from them!

It still makes me smile thinking about it.

If you are visiting an African country for your mission trip, you can expect people to not dress badly, no matter how much or how little money they have for that matter. For church, you’ll want to dress in well-pressed clothing, looking neat and clean. This will help you feel comfortable and feel like you fit in with the way others dress, especially in Uganda.

So what do you do with all your gold and silver necklaces? What about your wedding ring for that matter? Well, you leave all the valuable jewelry at home! Flashy jewelry and flashy hairstyles will need to be cut back. You’ll want to cut down on some of the “bling”, so to speak. Careful attention must be paid to avoid unnecessary or problematic attention.

In fact, the focus should be on the Lord and not on us, so if possible, we will want to divert some of the attention from ourselves. I suggest buying wooden jewelry to replace your gold and silver or precious jewelry. Many jewelry and trinkets can be purchased while you are in the foreign country you are visiting. This can also be an economic stimulus for the economy of the country you are visiting! This is just another reason to leave expensive jewelry at home.

Ok, now for the shoes !!! You will want to make sure that your shoes are appropriate for the nature of your trip. If you go to a very hot place, you may want to pack some sandals or buy them there in that country. Also, tennis shoes are very valuable in airports for their comfort when walking long distances.

I hope this information has been helpful in planning your next mission trip! Feel free to visit our website where you can learn about the benefits of missionary airfare for your next missionary trip.

Safe travel,

Tabitha Lovell, International Travel Specialist


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