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Why Add Minerals to Distilled Water?

Add Minerals to Distilled Water

Distilled water is safe for drinking and has many uses. It’s clean, has a bland taste and is free of contaminants that would harm a person’s health. Distilled water is used by surgeons to sterilize medical equipment, in ice machines and refrigerators to prevent mineral deposits and by people with sleep apnea who use Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines to avoid dehydrating the body while sleeping. It’s also preferred by people with sensitive skin and for cooking because it doesn’t contain salts and other minerals that would interfere with food flavors.

Some people wonder whether how to add minerals to distilled water is healthy since it lacks essential minerals like calcium and magnesium, as well as sodium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. However, our bodies primarily obtain these trace minerals from the foods we eat. Drinking a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is the best way to ensure our bodies get all the minerals we need. In fact, it’s been found in cellular research that pure water does not leach any of these valuable minerals from our bodies.

The lack of minerals in distilled water does give it a flat, laboratory taste that some people find unpleasant. If you’re used to tap water with minerals, you can easily add them back into distilled water by using mineral drops or powders. These products are available at most health stores or online.

Why Add Minerals to Distilled Water?

You should be able to find a product that adds just the right amount of minerals so your distilled water has the perfect balance for your specific needs. A few drops or a pinch of powder should be enough to make your distilled water healthier and more flavorful.

Other types of high-quality filtered water may have an unpleasant, mineral-rich taste that some people don’t like. If you’re worried about the flavor, you can buy bottled water that has been remineralized to give it a more natural taste.

Some people also worry that drinking distilled water on a regular basis increases urine output to unhealthy levels and depletes the body of its electrolytes. However, the vast majority of these important minerals are obtained from the foods we eat, and there are few days in the average month when we don’t consume sufficient amounts of the vitamins and minerals needed for optimal health.

Despite the concerns about a lack of minerals, most experts agree that drinking distilled water does not pose any health risks. The body can absorb the minerals it needs from the foods we eat and the other sources of water we consume, including tap, filtered and reverse osmosis reclaimed waters. Adding just the right amounts of mineral supplements to your drinking water can improve its taste and help you meet your daily requirements for calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc. This can reduce your risk of nutrient deficiencies that may cause a wide variety of health problems. This includes brittle bones, heart problems, behavioral changes and impaired muscle function. Some of these health issues can even be life threatening.


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