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Why are there white people on planet Earth? Does it make evolutionary sense?

Have you ever wondered where you come from or what makes you who you are, or why you look like that? Of course, I think that has crossed everyone’s mind once or twice, I know it has crossed mine. Okay, what if you’re a “white person” and maybe you have blue eyes, fair skin, and, who knows, maybe even more blonde hair and blue eyes? Those are recessive traits and are usually not the best fit for living on the surface of planet Earth. In fact, today we know that these recessive traits are a mistake, right?

Does evolution make mistakes? Well yes, but big mistakes don’t last long. Now let me take this conversation up a notch, if I can. You see, there was an interesting article in Life Science News titled; “7,000-year-old human bones suggest a new date for the light-skinned gene,” by Tia Ghose (editor), published on January 26, 2014.

Not long ago, an acquaintance sent me this information and asked me what I thought as the Founder of an expert group before reading the actual research. Now, assuming all of this is true and the research is unbiased and conducted using the scientific method, my thoughts on this potential finding would be as follows;

Well, think about this. “IF” a blonde, blue, light-skinned recessive trait evolved spontaneously, and things like that happen all the time with the human germ line, then if that happened in a northern climate, they would certainly have the advantage of hunting in winter, Therefore, they would have an advantage in terms of food and protein, in addition to being able to live longer in colder climates, slower metabolism, they could father many more children in their life without being eaten by a predator. Fair-skinned humans with older recessive traits could also have another advantage in old age: their hair is very gray plus light skin, they would become invisible and perfectly camouflage themselves naturally in the snowy winter terrain.

Okay, my thoughts are as follows, it wouldn’t take long for that advantage to outweigh the tendency to become the dominant trait in those regions until it is favored by survival of the fittest and also by natural selection. So even if “white genes” got off to a late start, they could dominate cooler weather quite easily, just as darker traits would be better favored in warmer climates with severe year-round sun, brown mountains, thick jungles and deserts. Well, I hope you consider all this and think about it.


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