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Digital Marketing

Why is building an email list so important?

An email list is the bread and butter of an online business. It is a compiled list of email addresses of customers and prospects who filled out a form to receive your messages. These email addresses are collected in a database that allows you to easily send messages immediately and automatically to everyone on your list or to specific people of your choice.

So why is building an email list so important?

1. You get permission

When you get someone to join your email list, you are basically getting permission to communicate and continue to market to you via email. By subscribing, they are telling you that they want to hear from you and what you have to offer.

2. You own your email list

You don’t own your Facebook page, Facebook does. You don’t own your Twitter profile, Twitter does. And it’s the same with all your other social media accounts that have followers. The point is, when you’re building an email list of people interested in what you have to offer, you actually own that list of people. It is an asset that you can use to build your online business.

3. You control the traffic

Building an email list is the best way to keep people coming back to your website. Once you’ve gotten people to subscribe to your email list, all you have to do is send your subscribers an email with a link to your latest post or information product.

4. It is the professional way to contact customers

Today, most consumers are used to giving their email address to a business, or understand that when they make a purchase, the business will need their email address. Email is a common way of communicating and contacting customers and it is highly accepted by most of the people.

5. Email marketing increases conversion rates

There is no doubt that email marketing is one of the most effective, if not the most effective forms of marketing that has ever existed. By using email to teach prospects about your business and your offers, you can increase conversions.

6. Email Let’s add value

When you use email to contact people who have signed up to receive your messages, you are connecting with them in a very intimate way. This gives you the opportunity, if you plan for it, to add extreme value to your customers’ lives by sending them information that solves their problems.

7. Email keeps you very close to your customeryes

You are always with your customers thanks to smartphones and the ability to message your customers at any time of the day. You can contact them at any time easily at the click of a button. Just think about how often you check your email.


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