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Why we need checklists in the 21st century

Human beings have incredible memory powers, we remember to do the basic things to stay alive, we remember multiple tasks on a daily basis at work even if we don’t have checklists to remind us of, and we remember all of our personal issues and family responsibilities. Yet we live such fast-paced lives that without reminders and checklists, things will slip, and inevitably slip through the cracks. People lose their keys, forget their jackets, and sometimes even forget to pick up the kids.

All pilots rely on checklists for aircraft safety inspections and flight procedures, and while surgeons don’t typically use checklists, one study found that hospitals that use them have a significantly higher death rate. lower than those who do not use them. Companies that have evacuation procedures in place often evacuate all their staff safely and efficiently in an emergency, while tragedy strikes for those without these checklists. There are countless examples of how checklists make our lives easier and even save lives, and yet we still don’t use them.

A director of a business consulting firm encourages his clients to use checklists, as he says they are important to management success and professionalism. He talks about the time in his life when he realized the importance of checklists for a successful life while traveling in Zimbabwe. Before his group left for a safari, his guide gave them a checklist of hundreds of species of animals and birds they were likely to encounter and told them to check off the species they saw.

“The effect of using this checklist was profound. Instead of just staring out the window in amazement, we closely watched everything in motion and made sure to distinguish between a great white pelican and a pink-backed pelican,” the director, Robert Gerrish, said.

Whether you’re planning a bachelor party or wedding, redecorating your home, or running a successful business, checklists can greatly relieve stress in your life and make the important moments in your life even more special.


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