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writing deep

Deep writing: write 3000 words a day

When it comes to writing in depth, you find that you can write a lot. Sometimes, however, there is a blockage that prevents you from reaching your goals. To get the creative juices flowing again, you need to clear the path from desire to action. Use these three easy action steps to unleash the creative being that you are:

Action Step One: Write Your Goal

Write a sentence in the present tense that creates a clear image in your mind. It should be an active statement with a deadline, such as “I’ll write a full synopsis of my novel by Friday.” Make your goal and deadline as realistic as possible, and motivate you to action.

Action Step Two: Free Writing

If you find it difficult to start the writing process, grab your pen and paper and write freely. It’s easier to write something you know. These Prime the Mind(TM) exercises can help:

  1. Feel. What are your feelings right now, about your life, about writing? Allow yourself to express what needs to be said. Do not stop.
  2. Make an inventary of your writing strengths and weaknesses. Take note of your mental, emotional, and physical writing space. Be compassionate, congratulate yourself.
  3. Go ahead and befriend the inner critic.. What do you fear? Because? Acknowledge your worries and doubts. Address anyone or anything that you feel is keeping you from sitting down and writing.

Action Step Three: Write!

Begin. Write. You’ve set your goal, addressed your issues, and cleared your mind. Now write.

you are a writer

Writers write.


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