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Health Fitness

Your Recommended Carbohydrate Percentage – How Much Of What?

The recommended carbohydrate percentage for any individual will always vary. Someone looking to lose weight will want to have a lower percentage than someone trying to maintain their weight. Many people also believe that carbohydrates are bad. While some carbohydrates are better than others, the view that all of them are bad for you is not exactly accurate.

The correct percentage

A standard carbohydrate / protein / fat split is 40/30/30. That’s 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 30% healthy fats. Therefore, the recommended carbohydrate percentage for you to play is 40%. Generally speaking, it could range from 30 to 50 percent. Adjust it based on what you’re looking for and how you feel afterward. If your goal is to lose weight, keep it in the lower range and increase your protein intake.

Essentially, carbohydrates are your body’s source of energy. The more active you are, the more carbohydrates your body will burn. So if you exercise daily or have an active lifestyle, you could aim for the 50 to 55 percent mark. If your lifestyle is more sedentary, aim for about 40 percent.

Not all carbohydrates are the same

However, before you start, you need to know what carbohydrates to eat. For a healthier diet, your recommended carbohydrate percentage should consist of as many fibrous carbohydrates as possible. These include vegetables like cauliflower with broccoli and carrots.

Processed carbohydrates include white sugar, white flower, and corn syrup. Basically anything that comes in a box or package. You should limit the amount of these you eat as they do not provide much nutritional value and are very calorie dense.

So simply put, fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain carbohydrates – all within your recommended carbohydrate percentage – is your goal with every meal.


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