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9 things you can do now to keep your dog safe

Shih Tzu happens and the dogs get lost. You think it won’t happen to your dog, but it happens every day. Our dogs cannot avoid all the dangers that surround them, they trust us to keep them safe. Aside from keeping them in a bubble, how can we keep our pets safe? These 9 tips can help you keep them safe.

LABELS + MICROCHIP = Get Home Safe. It amazes me how many people take a dog’s collar off for one reason or another; they don’t like the noise it makes when the dog is shaken, bathed and forgetting to put the collar back on, or any other reason. I am also amazed at how easily a dog can remove his collar or harness when he is highly motivated. I have seen terrified dogs remove their collars and harnesses when their flight impulse is activated. Your dog should always wear a collar with current tags. If a collar breaks, which is not uncommon, a microchip can identify your pet. A microchip is tiny and takes only a few seconds to install. Any vet or shelter can look for a microchip. It is administered similarly to a vaccine, any veterinarian can do it, and most shelters offer it for about half the price of a vet, which ranges from $20 to $75 or so. Do you love your dog worth twenty dollars? The microchip and a tag collar together can make the difference between your pet being bonded to you and coming home safely…or not. Be sure to update your phone number and address with the Microchip company if you move. Nothing screams “I’ve been abandoned” louder than a dog without a collar or tags. People often pick up a dog that wanders around without a collar or tags. If they like the dog enough, they can justify keeping it for themselves. A Good Samaritan may think your dog is abandoned or lost and take him straight to the nearest animal shelter.

PLAN AHEAD FOR UNEXPECTED EVENTS IN YOUR HOME. When something unsettling happens in the house, it can stress your dog out and cause him to run off and get lost. Dogs can become frightened if there are workers in the house working, if furniture and boxes are being packed for moving day, or if a group of family or friends visit the house unexpectedly. Guests or workers often inadvertently leave doors or gates open long enough for a dog to escape. Leave your dog with a trusted family member or friend, place him at a dog day camp, or put him up until the household calms down and is back to normal.

KEEP YOUR DOG ON A LEASH. I know people love to let their dogs off leash so they can “run free,” but don’t take any chances. If the signs tell you to keep your dog on a leash, please keep him on a leash. Not only can your dog be lured by a number of small animals, people running, or other distractions and run away, but off-leash dogs can be picked up by Animal Control in public places where they’re supposed to be on a leash. A dog on the loose scares most people, even the authorities. They don’t know that your dog is affectionate and friendly and just rushes up to them to say hello. His reaction might be to defend himself against your sweet dog. Don’t let your beloved dog become a statistic: always obey leash laws and both regulations close to home and everywhere else.

PAY ATTENTION AT THE DOG PARK! I love taking my dogs to the dog park and enjoy chatting with the other dog moms and dads there. My daughter Isis loves to greet new dogs when they come into the park, so I’m always on the lookout if she comes to the door. Many dogs are like Isis, they love to fill the front door when new dogs come in. It’s easy for someone to answer the door and not notice, or care, that your dog has escaped while you’re on the other side of the park deep in conversation with other dog owners. It only takes a second for a dog to slip through the door and run.

TEACH THE WAIT AND EMERGENCY CALL COMMANDS. In addition to teaching your dog to reliably come when called, teach him the “wait” command and have an “emergency call” command. These simple commands can save your dog’s life. If your dog sees a bird, squirrel, or other moving object, he may run across the street, jump over a fence, or jump out of the car and chase it for many blocks. They can be hit by a car, insult each other while running, or quickly lose their sense of direction. Make sure your dog reliably comes when called. One of the keys to this is not calling your dog when it’s time to leave the park, take a bath or go to the vet. That can reduce their positive reaction when you call them, so when it’s time for a bath or trip to the vet, instead of calling your dog, go get him. Teach your dog to always wait at the door or inside the car until you give him the go-ahead to leave. In the event that something is too tempting and your dog walks away, cutting you off, have an emergency call command. This is a one or two word command that immediately catches their attention and makes them run straight to you because the reward for coming to you is irresistible. My dogs emergency reminder is “Danger! Danger!” They know that every time they hear that phrase they will receive a delicious bacon. It’s the only time they get bacon, which is what sets it apart from “Come!” command I use almost daily. It really catches your eye, even if there’s a squirrel in your sights!

STRONG BUT SAFE PARTY. If you’re hosting a party, keep your pet in mind when planning the party. Graduations, birthdays and Christmas parties are wonderful occasions that enrich our lives. However, we can easily get distracted while organizing our event. Pets can find it unsettling to see their home full of people, some of whom they don’t know. Fireworks on the 4th of July and trick-or-treating on Halloween can be especially scary for pets. Loud noises and people in hats or costumes are things that scare many pets. Have a plan to keep your dog safe and secure during the holidays. This is another good time to consider lodging, pet sitting, or day camp. If you don’t want to take your pet out of family festivities, designate one person to watch the dog at all times. Don’t burden that person with other party duties as well. If you decide to lock your dog in another room, put a big sign on the door to make sure no one opens it by mistake, and check on the dog often!

AN UNATTENDED DOG IS AN INVITATION TO DISASTER. If there are gardeners, housekeepers, or workers of any kind in your home or garden, be sure to check that all gates and fences are secured after they leave. Every time. Don’t expect them to reliably remember to lock and lock doors or gates; Ultimately, it is your pet and your responsibility, not theirs. Never leave your dog unattended in the yard, in the car, or tied up outside a store. It is a sad fact that not only are dogs lost every day, but they are also stolen every day. According to Petfinder, http://www.Petfinder.com, up to 2 million animals are stolen each year. We have even had puppies stolen from the shelter! What kind of person would steal an animal from a shelter? What kind of person would break into your car and steal your dog? What kind of person would steal your dog from your garden? What kind of person would walk up to pet your dog outside a store, drop his leash, and walk away with him? Your dog doesn’t need to be an expensive thoroughbred to entice unscrupulous people to justify kidnapping him. “My girlfriend always wanted a dog like that.” “I bought it for my mom, she is alone.” “They left that poor dog tied up in the yard, hot/cold car, or outside a store, they are cruel and they don’t deserve it.” Don’t give unscrupulous and misguided people any chance to steal your precious dog!

NEVER LEAVE YOUR DOG ALONE IN A CAR. A dog can quickly get into trouble when left alone in a car. They can suffer from heat exhaustion or freeze in just a few minutes. They can also be stolen from his car. Also, in many states you can be charged with animal cruelty for leaving your dog unattended in a car. That could cost you a fortune, it’s not worth it. We have a recent trip where we were at a gas station. A woman and her daughter left their chihuahua in the car with the windows open a few inches. As soon as they entered, the dog jumped out the window and narrowly avoided an exiting truck. The poor guy just needed to relieve himself and couldn’t wait long enough for them to come back. His dog of his almost got crushed by that truck! They should have taken turns going in and using the bathroom.

STERILIZATION AND CASTRATION! Spaying and neutering your dog will help prevent the huge number of unwanted puppies that end up in shelters each spring and summer, which is puppy and kitten shelter season. Neutering reduces your dog’s desire to go out and roam the neighborhood, and can reduce unwarranted aggression between males. Dogs that are spayed/neutered also have fewer health problems. Spaying and neutering can also reduce theft, since a spayed or neutered dog cannot be bred for profit, which is the goal of some thieves. You don’t have to wait until a dog is a certain age to spay/neuter him, he just needs to weigh about 4 pounds. There are many common myths about spaying and neutering. For example, people used to think it was healthier to wait for a female dog to have her first heat or her first litter, but that’s a myth. Also, the risk of an unwanted litter increases the longer you wait to spay a dog. A male dog can smell a female in heat from up to 3 miles away! Visit the Humane Society website, http://www.Humanesociety.org, for more reasons to spay and neuter and to see a list of common myths about spaying and neutering.

Practice these safety tips to keep your precious dog safe at all times!


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