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A speech and language therapist can help treat stuttering

Stuttering is a speech disorder. Fortunately, someone can help even if there is no permanent cure, and this person is known as a speech-language pathologist, or SLP.

This professional is trained in the study of human communication, its development and the various disorders so that they know how to help a patient. They have a master’s degree to their credit and must pass a state certification or licensure exam to practice, as well as a certificate from ASHA or the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. If the doctor is not around, a speech assistant can help.

Before the SLP can treat the child, some tests must be done because the treatment for one patient is different for another. You need to remember that stuttering varies depending on the age, type, and gender of the child, so it needs to be tailor-made. At times, the professional will need to use various strategies to treat the disorder.

A language intervention activity is an example. Here, the specialist will interact with the child by playing and talking. Pictures, books and other instruments are sometimes used if this helps stimulate language development. When the child is not able to pronounce something correctly, repetition exercises will be used.

Another is articulation therapy, also known as sound production. Here the specialist will teach the child how to pronounce certain letters and produce the correct sound. A demonstration is used so that the child knows how to move the tongue. In both cases, therapy sessions can be done one-on-one or with a small group.

Other examples include airflow therapies, anxiety reduction techniques, attitude therapy, biofeedback methods, rhythmic speaking, test therapy, and vocal control.

If your child is diagnosed with stuttering, all you have to do now is find a specialist who can help. You can get a referral from your doctor or look in the phone book. Some states have associations with a list of licensed and certified specialists.

Parents must also do their part to help the child since a session with the specialist is not enough for the problem to disappear. In fact, studies show that very supportive parents can complete the program faster with long-term results.

This happens by creating a relaxed environment in the home so that the child can talk. The parent should also speak slowly so that the child can learn to say the word correctly.

The specialist may recommend certain SLP activities and drills to be done at home to ensure continued progress outside of the clinic.

The use of medication to treat stuttering has also been used, but since it has side effects, it is no longer used. There are also devices that have been invented.

Advances in science make it easier to get treatment for people who stutter. If you have a child, take him or her to a speech-language pathologist. If you have it, do the same and educate yourself on the proper treatment options. Remember that there is no single cure or remedy for this disorder and the only thing you can do now is reduce the number of interruptions when a person is speaking. We have a long way to go before we can say goodbye to stuttering.


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