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An Overview of Computer Assisted Learning

The technique of learning through computers with the help of computer learning systems is known as Computer Assisted Learning (CAL). It is specifically developed for educational purposes. Computer-assisted learning includes audio-visual aids, interactive tutorials, simulations, and rich multimedia materials. It also includes modern techniques and pedagogical strategies to help the teaching of students. Meets various educational needs within reasonable time and resources. The use of computers in schools and universities develops computer literacy in students and provides various teaching and learning aids. In addition to providing fast information processing, computers also provide efficient information storage and retrieval. Computers provide self-paced learning. They make learning individual for each student and provide immediate feedback, which is useful to improve the level of performance. Computers provide interaction. Students can interact with each other and with their tutors, making learning fast and easy. Audiovisual aids help us make the present teaching/learning process more fun and interesting. Rich media content helps teachers to better explain topics and students to better understand those topics. Computer-assisted learning helps children with special needs read and understand easily. So, it is worth saying that it helps a lot to improve the quality of education.

With the advancement in computer technology, new developments are taking place and thus new possibilities arise, while the related cost is reduced. As the cost is reduced, the number of users is increased. So lots and lots of people are taking advantage of technology. Developments show that computer-assisted learning can improve learning and provide learners with decision-making information while solving their problems. Professionals consider that CAL has the potential to motivate students, which will result in improvements. New tools make it easy to develop CAL systems for different subject areas to provide great help and support to students. In the future, we may see CAL systems, which will interact and communicate with students in a very realistic way and help them more effectively. Currently, however, the purpose of CAL systems is only to support the teaching and learning process rather than to replace traditional educational practices.


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