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Average Commercial Roofer Salary in Barrie

Commercial Roofer Salary in Barrie

Roofers are responsible for repairing and installing residential and commercial roofing systems. They may also be required to perform other duties such as gutter installation, flashing repairs, and insulation installation. These professionals usually work for general construction companies or roofers’ associations. They are paid an hourly wage and typically receive a bonus based on performance. The salary can vary depending on the experience level of the worker.

The average Commercial Roofing Barrie salary in barrie is $45,728 per year. The highest earning commercial roofers are those with over seven years of experience. They can make up to $51,547 in a year. The salary is a good amount considering that this career requires the candidate to be comfortable with heights and lift heavy objects at times.

Those looking to increase their pay as roofers should consider changing their employer. Alternatively, they can seek out higher education or management experience. These actions can significantly boost their salary. A roofer can find opportunities at companies such as Western Construction and GPAC. They can even choose to become a supervisor and oversee other more junior roofers to help them increase their salary further.

Average Commercial Roofer Salary in Barrie

In Barrie, Ontario, the average commercial roofer salary reflects the skilled craftsmanship and vital role that these professionals play in ensuring the structural integrity and weatherproofing of commercial buildings. As of the latest available data, commercial roofers in Barrie earn a competitive salary that aligns with the demands and expertise required for this specialized field.

On average, a Barrie Roofing can expect to earn around $50,000 to $60,000 annually. However, this figure may vary based on factors such as experience, certifications, and the complexity of the roofing projects undertaken. Roofers with several years of experience or specialized skills, such as expertise in installing advanced roofing materials or systems, may command higher salaries.

The demand for skilled commercial roofers in Barrie is influenced by the city’s growing commercial infrastructure and the need for regular maintenance and repairs to existing structures. Barrie’s diverse climate, with cold winters and varying weather conditions throughout the year, further underscores the importance of having well-maintained and durable roofing systems.

Employment opportunities for commercial roofers in Barrie are often available through roofing contractors, construction companies, and specialized roofing firms. These professionals are not only responsible for installing new roofing systems but also for inspecting, repairing, and maintaining existing ones. Safety is paramount in this field, with roofers adhering to strict guidelines and utilizing specialized equipment to perform their duties at elevated heights.


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