
The inventions you need.


DUI causing bodily injury may be charged against the wrong person

Alcohol-related accidents are one of the leading causes of death in all fatal car accidents. However, it is not uncommon for an innocent driver to be “found” guilty when he was actually innocent just because he had a few drinks….

How to choose the best car headlight and what do halogen, HID, xenon and LED bulbs mean?

Did you know that the world’s first electric headlamp was invented by the Connecticut, USA-based Electric Vehicle Company and was powered by an electric automobile in the year 1898? Since then, there have been significant improvements in the type of…

Convert your car to burn water and reduce fuel bills!

Fuel prices are one of the things we are fighting against in today’s world. The forecast is bleak because fuel prices are expected to double not too far in time. Currently there is one thing we can do to avoid…

Logo stickers are suitable direct marketing tools

Logo stickers may seem insignificant, but they are actually effective marketing tools that offer brand visibility at minimal cost. These little sticky patches are seen everywhere – cars, laptops, mobile phones, bags, glass doors – very subtly and yet so…

How to Get Affordable Auto Insurance Estimates

I know you just got your new car and you’re dying to get it out on the road. But don’t just buy any insurance. You should get car insurance estimates before you get insurance. It doesn’t take a lot of…

The Sources of Low Used Car Prices That Beat Others Out

I’m going to take a closer look at three sources where you’re most likely to find the lowest used car prices. You do have to do a bit of legwork up front, but compared to what you’ll save by following…

Hydrogen Fuel Kits for Cars and Trucks: What You Need to Know

Myth #1 People who sell these hydrogen car conversion fuel kits mention that these hydrogen car conversion fuel kits burn water. Answer: Hydrogen car conversion fuel kits don’t burn water, that’s not true. They use the power from the car…

Enjoy music anywhere and anytime with portable laptop speakers

Instead of just running a sample, price list, and color chart, the salesperson has to put in a lot more effort when trying to encourage customers to use their company. The car can be filled with everything that was previously…

Tips to spend less money on gasoline

The average American family spends more than $2,500 a year on gasoline. In times of depression, many people look for ways to cut costs. Additionally, there is strong evidence that the world is running out of cheap oil, so we…

Get rid of your old car before someone else does.

While it’s not always reported in the news, if you’ve been reading your local newspaper recently, you may have noticed an increase in the number of stories reporting scrap theft. The main reason for this is that, when the prices…