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Digital Marketing

How to use Twitter – Tip

So you’re just learning how to use Twitter and you might need some tweeting ideas, right? You don’t have to tweet that you’re eating a bagel or about to water the plant and you don’t have to tweet links to…

Advertising Appeals Guide: The 7 Advertising Appeals Explained

The unwritten rule of effective advertising is to create ads that appeal to people’s emotions. These appeals can be broadly categorized as fear, sex, humor, music, rationality, emotions, and scarcity. These attractions are something universally experienced by everyone, regardless of…

The power of clipping path services when a client’s quote is voided

When mobile phone technology emerged, however recent, more than a thousand companies sprang up to provide mobile phone connection around the world. So have mobile phone manufacturers, with over a billion mobile phone brands and products. Similarly, at the beginning…

What should your employees know about computer security?

The number one threat against the security of your information system is the insider threat. Make sure your employees know how to safely operate computers. Failure to do so is a lack of due diligence on your part. Here’s what…

Teleseminar Marketing Funnel #2: Free Telesummit to Paid Class, Upsell to Private Coaching

If you have a large following for your blog, newsletter, tweets or forum posts, this is one way to funnel those followers into lucrative teaching and training services. It involves the use of multiple teleseminars, which are free or paid…

5 content marketing strategies for entrepreneurs

Although there are many types of content you can create to promote your business, you want to create content that helps you create effective promotions. You want to create content that goes viral. Viral marketing is the most effective way…

It’s the right time to start a new business

Business opportunities 2020 has been a different year for everyone. The pandemic has impacted jobs and businesses around the world. The world has updated itself, and you need to make use of this. This is a difficult time for everyone,…

Forex Trading Systems: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

Why you need Forex trading systems and strategies. Learning to trade profitably requires you to learn and master a few forex trading systems. The key to trading is to become a master of a few trading strategies, not the best…

Is your article fluff? – Ten Ways to Say

10. You are writing an article about a cloud or you are actually a cloud. The definition of fluff is a lot of words without saying anything substantive like a cloud! 9. You write faster than you think. A fluff…

Insurance Agency Primary Score

Many insurance agencies have not yet formalized their lead scoring system. This is a worthwhile effort for all agencies and one that should be reviewed every year, while tracking the ROI of your marketing programs. What is lead scoring? It…