
The inventions you need.

Digital Marketing

Top 7 Reasons to Adopt Responsive Web Design

All over the world, mobile sales have surpassed desktop computers by leaps and bounds. The number of users turning to tablets and smartphones to surf the Internet or shop online is growing faster and faster. In this highly competitive digital…

Digital Marketing

How to Boost Your SEO Ranking With Crush SEO

SEO Ranking With Crush SEO Using a search engine is one of the most effective ways to generate traffic and get your brand out there. It complements other marketing channels, and can have a great impact on your bottom line….

oops! I forgot to check my blood sugar, now what?

Forgot to check your blood sugar level before eating? Even the best diabetes management can go crazy with a lapse in memory. And sometimes, let’s face it, we really don’t forget. We just wanted to get to the food without…

Excel’s SUMPRODUCT formula is a BIG deal!

When I first learned about the SUMPRODUCT formula in Excel, I almost dismissed it as a useless formula used by only a few users. How often would someone need to multiply 2 or more sets of numbers and add the…

5 Steps to WordPress Speed ​​Optimization

This is the age of technology and people’s attention span is getting shorter day by day. Therefore, the loading time of the website should be as fast as possible. In addition to increasing conversions, speed optimization can also offer many…

5 Tools Everyone In The Virtual Assistant Job Industry Should Use

In the virtual assistant job industry, some tools will make the job go faster. The tools are useful for every task, whether collaborating with others, team members, or even clients. Essential devices to increase productivity and be more efficient. Knowing…

3 English writing tips to improve your writing

Writing in English is quite easy, but it is very difficult to do it well. To improve your English writing, you need to spend a lot of time practicing writing. Here are some useful tips that will help you improve…

How popular is Drupal as a CMS?

Today, every web developer has the choice of several open source content management systems, including WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, and Blogger. But the choice of content management system (CMS) differs from one website owner to another. According to the latest…

Importance of test automation for business agility

Manual testing is performed by Software Quality Analysts (QA) who carefully analyze the software through the application screens and test various combinations of usage and input. They compare the results with the expected behavior and record their observations. However, these…

Newsletter Calendar: Creating a Schedule for Your Business Marketing Newsletter

A newsletter calendar keeps your publication up to date. Whether you send it by post or email, creating a regular newsletter for your current and potential customers is an important marketing strategy. However, many organizations struggle to find topics for…