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Health Fitness

Weight Loss, Exercise, and 5 Ways to Master!

It’s confusing, isn’t it? Diet can be tricky when it comes to weight loss, but then comes exercise. And you know you have to. If you think you can lose weight without exercise, you’re kidding yourself! The question is, what…

Lose weight and keep it off with intuitive, easy and fun eating

How To Have Your Cake And Your Skinny Jeans Too: Stop Overeating, Overeating, And Dieting Forever Get The Naturally Slim Body You Crave From The Inside Out (Solution To Overeating) by Josie Spinardi is an amazingly written book accessible with…

Strengthen the transversus abdominis with the lying stretch maneuver

This is a continuation of my bikini body series on strengthening the transversus abdominis, called “The First Step to Looking Great on the Beach This Summer: The Importance of the Transversus Abdominis Muscle.” The following exercise is the simplest exercise…

About the Atkins Diet and Great Atkins Recipes

The Atkins diet is broken down into 9 “rungs” of steps backwards to eating carbohydrates. Races are added one week at a time during the “Continuous Weight Loss” or “OWL” stage. This stage is designed to allow each person to…

Your body loves creatine

best creatine supplement Creatine is a natural substance within the body that helps convert useless ADP into ATP, which can be used for energy. Most creatine is found in high-protein diets that include lots of red meat. However, athletes and…

summer activities to lose weight

Do you hate the gym? I can’t lie. There are some days when I absolutely hate having to go to the gym. It’s 80 degrees and sunny outside with the slightest breeze. I want to be out there, not in…

Regular Sessions in Cardiovascular Exercises

Regular sessions in the cardiovascular area improve the health of your heart and lungs. It also helps the heart and lungs work properly; therefore, it is called “cardio”. Cardiovascular exercise promotes the loss of body fat. It is helpful to…

Weight Loss Foods That Help Curb Cravings

People who engage in rigorous training, whether under the supervision of a fitness program or a strict diet, have a variety of reasons why they do so. Gathering all their views and goals as to why they opt for such…

Giving a great “tour” sales presentation

Salespeople need to know that a tour isn’t just a presentation, it’s an opportunity to discover customer needs and turn the features of your product or service into a benefit for that customer. Learning good sales techniques takes practice, and…

Tips for long-term weight loss

Long-term weight loss tips for beginners Whenever someone decides they want to start a weight loss regimen, they are often drawn to the latest fad or gimmick. This is a shame because I have come to realize from my experience…