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Chores for Kids: Tips to Help You Get Started

When you first assign children homework, it will surely be more work for their parents than if you were completing the homework yourself. Having a 2 or 3 year old helping out with the laundry definitely tends to slow them down!

When our children started wanting to help around the house, they wanted to help with everything! Having remembered to hide my frustration at moving faster. Instructing children on how to complete tasks certainly takes up more of their time. But the reward is huge!

Now, we have young children who can do a full load of laundry, weed, garden, vacuum, dust, and many other chores with minimal supervision, and I can do twice as much with their help.

If your children are a little older and you are just beginning to assign them chores, they may resist the whole process. But don’t be discouraged. It is never too late to teach your children to appreciate contributing to the good of the family.

Here are some tips to start assigning homework to children:

  • break it down – When teaching tasks, parents should break each one into small parts. For example, instead of telling a child to clean their bedroom and leaving it at that, parents should make a list of all the things that go into cleaning the bedroom, for example, changing the sheets, picking up toys and putting them away, Dusting the dresser and vacuuming. Parents then need to show their children how to do each part of the task correctly.
  • don’t do it yourself – Parents should not do their children’s work for them. If parents get frustrated and give in and do their children’s chores, children learn several things. First, children learn that their parents don’t mean what they say and that they won’t follow through. Second, children learn that if they hang in there long enough, someone else will do the chores for them. Parents should simply apply the consequences until their children comply.
  • Don’t redo homework -Redoing a job is the fastest way to lose help. Just keep in mind that you need to explain the job more clearly next time, or you may not be ready yet. If you can’t stand it at all, use it as a teaching opportunity to show your child how you’d like the job done, or hand it over when you’re sure the child won’t get it.
  • don’t move – When the cat’s tail gets caught in the vacuum cleaner, jump. However, he tries to allow his son the opportunity to do it on his own.
  • no swimming – When your child does not complete his homework and other responsibilities, it may be necessary to discipline him. For example, he may decide to revoke certain privileges or special activities that mean a lot to him. Although some parents may feel that nagging or scolding a child at the point of starting an argument will make them accept more responsibility, this approach is rarely effective. Rewarding successes and giving encouragement is always much more effective. Consider providing a responsibility chart to help your child keep track of her own progress.
  • explain why – Children need to know why it is important to collaborate and help. Parents should explain that doing chores benefits the whole family and that each person should do their part to keep things running smoothly.
  • give options -Children complain about the jobs assigned to them. Involve your child in choosing assignments and setting a time when work is due. Today we must vacuum, wash clothes, clean the refrigerator and wash the windows. Where do you want to start? Allowing your child to make decisions will foster responsibility.
  • let them enjoy – Children need to enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes with completing a task. This sense of fulfillment and the feeling that they are contributing to the family will keep them working with you as they grow. Research shows that feelings of satisfaction and contribution are far more motivating than pay, praise, or punishment!
  • make easy – If your son is going to set the table, can he reach the plates? Are the dishes fragile? Make sure the child can do the job easily, depending on her size and stage of development.
  • Make it age appropriate – The level of expected tasks should be appropriate to the child’s skill and ability. But even for very young children, helping around the house allows them to feel like a vital part of the family.
  • Make work matter -Children feel rewarded for work that is considered “necessary.” Let your child know how much his efforts have helped the family. Even small tasks help.
  • Provide logical consequences. – Logical consequences occur naturally as a result of children’s actions. For example, if a child repeatedly forgets to put their bike away at the end of the day, a logical consequence would be not being able to use the bike for a few days. On the other hand, a logical consequence for a child who repeatedly works hard and completes her chores would be to be given special time to play. Parents and children must decide the consequences in advance. Parents should always comply with the application of consequences, whether they are positive or negative.
  • show appreciation – Nobody likes to be taken for granted. No matter how rewarding the sense of accomplishment may be, it’s nice to hear “thank you.” Adding a specific comment like “you really folded the towels neatly” can mean more than just “great job.”
  • show them how – Children need to know exactly what is expected of them. Therefore, it is a good idea for parents to make sure that their children know exactly what their homework is. Parents should thoroughly review the required homework and actually show their children how to do the task in question. It might also be a good idea to write down and post all the tasks that make up a single task for children’s reference. At first, parents should monitor their children to make sure everything is going well. Parents can reduce monitoring once children know how to do homework.
  • start early – Parents should start giving their children household responsibilities when they are young. Most young children love to help their parents. Parents should take advantage of this desire and give their children small and simple tasks. As children get older, they should be given more challenging tasks.
  • follow a routine – Your child can be a great help in remembering to do chores if your family life has structure and routines. Encourage him to do his homework at the same time every day. Routines for other activities, including meals, homework, play, and bedtime, can also teach organization and help develop responsibility. Make a chore chart to help your child remember what he needs to complete that day.
  • change tasks – Try changing tasks or brainstorming to maintain interest and enthusiasm. It’s hard to get excited about something you’ve done a thousand times!
  • teach a task – It is probably a good idea for parents to thoroughly teach their children how to do a task and then make sure they are doing it correctly before moving on to other tasks. Young children can become confused when asked to learn too much at once.
  • Work side by side – At different ages, children need different levels of help and support while doing their homework. Parents should work closely with young children, for example, doing the dishes while the child clears the dishes from the table. The more you do with them when they are young, the more they can do for themselves later.

If handled correctly, children’s chores should really help your home run smoother. Over time, it will also help your children learn responsibility and prepare them to successfully care for themselves once they live on their own. Give it a try and see your workload start to lighten!


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