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Cleaning pet urine from carpets

In general, carpets and indoor pets are a dangerous combination. You may love having your pet around the house, but you should be prepared to undertake the task of cleaning pet urine from your carpet not just once, but many times. You may have paid good money for a professional dog trainer to potty train your pet, but there will be times when your pet will urinate on your carpet. After all, if your pet needs to go, it will go wherever the need takes it.

Unless you don’t care much for your carpet, and you don’t mind living in a house that smells like pet urine, you’ll want to put it at the top of your priority list. The only way to avoid pet stains on your carpet is if you kick your pet out and never let them into your home.

Whether it’s a cat, dog, hamster, or any other pet staining your carpet, pet urine is not something you want to linger on your carpet. Pet urine has an extremely strong odor and leaves a visible stain on carpets.

Here is a tip to remove pet odor from carpet with the help of baking soda and vinegar: The pet stain must dry completely first before applying baking soda. Take some paper towels and press them against the urine on the carpet. When you have passed most of the urine, moisten the area with clean water. Next, sprinkle baking soda on top. Allow the baking soda to dry for several hours (even overnight). Vacuum over the area the next day.

Alternatively, you can use white vinegar. Mix 1/2 cup of white vinegar with 1/4 cup of warm water. For the solution on the stained area. Place a dry towel over the area and press down on it with a heavy object. Keep the towel pressed on the area for at least two hours or even overnight. The next morning, towel off and clean the area with a soft hairbrush.

Sometimes you won’t see any visible stains on your carpet, but you could definitely smell them. It can be quite difficult to get pet odor out of your carpet if you can’t find exactly where the smell is coming from in your carpet. It could be that your pet urinated in a hard-to-reach corner of your house. Or it could be that the smell has become so ingrained in the carpet that it’s nearly impossible to pinpoint exactly where it’s coming from.

For those hard-to-see pet urine stains, use an ultraviolet black light. Close the blinds, turn off all the lights, and turn on the UV black light. Pet urine stains glow under UV black light, so you should be able to see where pet odors are coming from, and then you can take steps to eliminate them.


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