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Dazzling lasers: non-lethal laser weapons used by military and police personnel

Since 1995, when the United Nations banned all weapons designed to blind, the armed services and law enforcement agencies have been investigating the use of dazzling lasers.

According to Wikipedia, a laser dazzle is “a type of directed energy weapon that uses intense visible light, usually generated by a laser (laser dazzle). It is a non-lethal weapon intended to cause temporary blindness or disorientation.”

In the United States, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Department of Justice have sponsored research into the development and use of dazzling lasers. With funding from DARPA, the first laser dazzler, a 300 milliwatt handheld green laser, was developed in 1996 and later used by the US Department of Defense.

The laser dazzle is similar in size and weight to a heavy duty flashlight or torch and is now used by both the military and law enforcement officials around the world. Dazzling lasers are currently used in both Iraq and Afghanistan. The laser dazzler is primarily used to distract and disorient opponents from a safe distance and reduce casualties.

The laser dazzler works in two ways. The first way is to temporarily blind a person with strong pulses of green light that temporarily ruin a person’s vision and stimulate their visual centers. The second way is to use the pulsed effect to interfere or alter the magnetic signals sent to the brain and cause disorientation by overstimulation of the brain.

The dazzling lasers are effective both day and night and can be used at very close range without the risk of permanently damaging people’s vision.

Click here to view military grade green lasers


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