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Health Fitness

Diet plan for patients with blood pressure: follow these dietary guidelines for hypertension

High blood pressure affects millions of people. According to the CDC, up to a third of those who have it don’t even know it. Once you discover the problem, you may need to make some changes.

Weight problems: According to heart.org, losing five to ten pounds could lower blood pressure. That’s great, but losing weight isn’t easy without knowledge and change.

The best method I have found is to use a calorie calculator. Caleriesperhour.com has the best I’ve ever seen. It helps you calculate everything you eat (including fast food) and everything you do. At the end of the day, if you’ve burned more than you’ve eaten, you’re on your way to losing weight.

What to avoid: There are things that can cause your blood pressure to go up no matter how much you weigh. Sodium and caffeine are two of the worst offenders. Reducing your sodium intake to 1,200 mg or less can make a big difference. It is also wise to get rid of caffeine completely. If you eat a lot, don’t be discouraged. The withdrawal headache is not pleasant.

Enjoying the food: For the past nine years I’ve been looking for ways to have a good meal that doesn’t threaten my blood pressure levels. Increasing the use of herbs and spices is one way. Using unsalted broth (or better yet, making your own) is good. Even if I have to start from scratch (read the label on canned tomato sauce or canned pasta sauce and you’ll see why), it can be done, tasty and healthy.

Nutritionists: Not everyone has the time or desire to cook from scratch. A nutritionist can help you navigate the minefield of prepackaged foods and easy-to-prepare meals that fit within your dietary budget. Your doctor can refer you and some insurance plans cover it.


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