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Dimensions: a word of many faces

The word “dimension” is used very differently by rational sciences than by intuitive artistic communities. In its most basic sense, the term “dimension” means “measured.” It generally refers to the measurement of physical space and is treated in this way by mathematics and rational science. In the intuitive arts, dimension generally refers to a realm of existence, whether or not it occupies physical space. So the rational science community and the intuitive arts community have a bit of ontological disagreement on this word. Therefore, the term must be considered in context for its proper meaning to be derived.

The type of geometry that most of us study in high school is called plane because it includes only the two dimensions of a flat surface. A simple x, y grid, known as a Cartesian coordinate system, is sufficient to describe the location of any point on that plane. But, to describe most objects, we need an additional dimension of height, also known as the z-axis. To describe where a jet is while flying through the air, we need an additional dimension of time. So a flying jet requires four dimensions to be properly described, which are x, y, z, and a fourth dimension of time.

This type of measurement is often confused with Einstein’s description of 4D spacetime, which is actually a description of one thing, not four separate elements of description. It is the geometric fabric of space that can be bent into shapes by the force of gravity. This also doubles the time at the same rate. So, to clarify the difference, objects in motion can be described with four dimensions, three referring to a point in space and a reference to time. These are four separate descriptive elements. On the other hand, spacetime is a 4D thing. The element of time is intrinsic to the same fabric as spatial dimensions.

The word “dimension”, as used by practitioners of the intuitive arts, generally refers to realms of existence. The physical domain is one of those domains of existence. The other dimensions are not as dense as the one in which we physically exist. The physical dimension is like light that has slowed down to the point where it appears solid. Beings and objects in the other dimensions are composed entirely of pure light or energy, so they can move faster, or at a higher frequency, than can normally be perceived in the physical realm.

Many parallels have been drawn in New Age thinking between this idea and those of quantum mechanics, which state that we appear solid, but are actually made up of fragments of energy. The quantum model is still below what the intuitive intends, but it is sufficient for the sake of comparison and as a modeling reference.

Since the words light, frequency, and vibration are used by both the rational sciences and the intuitive arts, confusion often arises due to the different applied meanings. For example, in physics, string theory requires ten spatial dimensions. M-theory requires eleven dimensions. These are spatial dimensions, not realms of existence. Since physical existence is described by three planes of measurement and one of time, we cannot even point to another plane of space. So where are these extra dimensions that are required for string theory? Believe it or not, they are coiled within the other dimensions. Try to imagine another space plane rolled up within its length. It is inconceivable to the mind, but perfectly acceptable in theoretical mathematics.

The idea that one physical dimension is coiled within another and occupying the same “space” seems more distant to me than a purely energetic being of higher frequency occupying the same physical space as me. So, in many ways, physicists and intuitives face the same dilemmas in offering evidence for the existence of other dimensions. Most intuitive ones claim that the other dimensions are almost imperceptible for what they really are, and there are very few words of our material existence that adequately fit experiences. Physicists regret having the same problem. At some point, we simply have to spread our faith around these concepts so that we can further investigate them until we can develop hard evidence that they exist.


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