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Easter preschool activities

Easter is a joyous time of year, no matter what your religious conviction is. Christians celebrate the resurrection; Judaism has Easter and the non-religious really love spring! Fantastic! Children? Heck, they love bunnies and chicks and Easter eggs and peeps! Here are some great ideas for Easter preschool activities.

Fingerprint Easter Eggs are such a fun twist on the old standby mode! Boil some eggs and dye them with a very light base color to have them ready for the children. Using tempura paints, have the children dip their fingers in the different colors to form different designs on the eggs with their finger painting skills.

Bunny Rabbit Ears is always a winner. Cut strips of construction paper long enough to wrap around the preschooler’s heads. Print bunny ears and let the children color them. Glue the ears on the headbands, tape the headbands closing them around the children’s head.

Paper bag bunnies can be made by printing ears and various shapes for arms, eyes, nose, and mouth, also cheeks, if you like. Glue everything to the paper bags to create bunnies as children imagine them.

Easter hand garlands are so much fun! Use plain printer paper or butcher paper cut into squares. Trace the children’s handprints or use digital paint to paint the handprints. Circle the handprints on the sheet of paper to make a wreath.

Easter Crosses are created by cutting different colored tissue paper or cardstock into different shapes and sizes and gluing them onto a cross template. The more variety, the more fun they can be!

Jelly Bean Color Match – Take an empty egg carton and color the bottom of the holes in different colors. Have the children take a bunch of colored candies and place them in the corresponding holes.

Coloring Pages – Have kids color bunnies, chicks, crosses, etc.

Plants and Animals – Plant some Easter lilies; help caterpillars turn into butterflies; raise some chicks or take care of some live bunnies.

Songs – Children can be taught songs like “Here Comes Peter Cottontail”, “Easter Bonnet” or some religious songs of the season.

Mystery Egg – Send a letter and a large plastic egg home with the children. On the letter, explain to the parents that you will be playing a game with the children and the eggs. Have the family put something small in the eggs, write some clues about what’s inside, and have the children guess what’s inside each other’s eggs the next day at school.

Whatever your reason for enjoying the Easter season, you can create something fun to do as an activity with your preschoolers!


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