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Failure as opportunity – Homeopathy and multiple sclerosis

Have you ever noticed how when you fail at something you go through a certain process? Like when you were little, before you learned to ride a bike: fall, hurt your knee and run to mom. Then the next step was: go back over and over again until you mastered it. The process requires a burning desire, attention to detail, and observation of how others perform the task. Why not apply the same prototype to today’s challenges as adults?

Take Margarita, for example. Margaret was always a doer. You know, the kind of woman who never stopped learning and experimenting or easily changing careers because the challenge was fun. Margaret was flying high in her career as an account executive for a large manufacturing company when she contracted multiple sclerosis. At first her symptoms were mild, so when she walked into the doctor’s office she was not alarmed. However, after weeks of testing and further muscle weakness, she began to worry about the outcome. When the doctor offered her medication that would not cure her, but only control the problem, she began to question her decision to go ahead. Her side effects were written on the medication packet she’d been given, albeit in such small print that she literally needed a magnifying glass to make out the words. But in fact it was as clear as day. The side effects were just as devastating, if not more, than the disease. She could have submitted without a fight and just taken the drugs. In fact, her husband felt it was foolish to look for other options. “Why bother?” he had asked. No, she thought. “I will not get worse by covering up the symptoms. I must find another solution.”

And then Margaret got back on her bike. First, she went to a psychiatrist for the anxiety she was experiencing. He just offered more drugs. This appointment was followed by one with a chiropractor, then a naturopath. They both gave her some relief, but she still wasn’t satisfied. “I’ll get rid of this,” she muttered to herself. “I have a life to live.”

Finally, Margaret heard about a friend whose arthritis had been cured by a homeopath. “I will continue like this until I find a solution.” The first appointment was over the phone because the homeopath was out of town. After this initial meeting, Margaret was comforted. She was not told that her MS would be cured, but the homeopath put it another way. “Your body is responding to an imbalance that is causing symptoms. We will use the symptoms to determine which homeopathic remedy is best suited to antidote or address the imbalance. Once the disease energy meets the remedy energy, it will be unnecessary for you to the body reacts. Instead, reactions to illness or symptoms will be antidotes.”

Margaret wasn’t exactly sure what this all meant, but she did notice that her urination improved within the second week of taking the remedy, Causticum. Instead of leaking urine when she stood up, coughed, or laughed, it was like she was back to herself. Symptom by symptom, the disease seemed to fade. It was so natural and not unlike how she felt before her MS attack, that she wondered if it was just a spontaneous remission. When she asked her homeopath about this, she directly addressed it. “What is a remission,” she asked, “but a period of well-being after illness?” However, Maraget continued to feel fine and the next time she had an MRI, the test came back. The injuries were gone!

So why hadn’t his doctors told him about this amazing drug? Why had they focused so much on a drug that had side effects? Maybe she will never know. What Margaret DOES know is that she is free of her dreaded disease. Margaret is to be commended. She didn’t take a suggestion as the solution. Instead, she went through a decision-making process that allowed her to become fully capable of making the right decision. Margaret has tenacity and perseverance resolve that paid off. And now she has gotten her life back thanks to it.


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