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Family Travel Tips to Pave the Way

Any parent knows the headaches that can occur when traveling with children. From bathroom breaks every 30 minutes to outbreaks of sibling rivalry; Taking the kids on a road trip can really test the patience of even a saint. However, with a little advance planning and some easy family travel tips, many of these travel pains can be minimized.

One of the most important family travel tips is to simply relax. Nothing goes completely to plan during a trip, and bringing the kids just adds extra stress when things go wrong. Even seemingly benign mishaps can cause major outbursts of crying and screaming in road-weary kids. And because children naturally look to their parents when assessing the severity of a given situation, if you’re showing signs of stress, this will inevitably be magnified by the children.

Nothing makes a car ride seem longer to a child than having nothing to do but stare out the window. And if you’re a parent, nothing makes a trip seem longer than a bored and unruly child. This being the case, it is vital to bring a variety of entertainment when traveling with young children. Books, games, DVDs, and anything else that can be used as a distraction will make a long road trip go much faster for both parent and child.

An often overlooked aspect of family travel tips is choosing the right time to travel. When possible, traveling at night is often the best idea, since most children simply fall asleep in a short amount of time on the road. If you must travel during the day, arranging your travel time around regularly scheduled naps is a great idea, as it can give you at least a few hours of quiet while driving.

Making sure you have enough time to travel is also very important. Having time to be able to make regular stops along the way not only helps break the monotony of driving, but also gives kids a chance to get moving and burn off some energy. And hopefully, by following these family travel tips, your next vacation will be a great experience for the whole family.


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