
The inventions you need.


Homemade Ice Cream Recipe for Coffee Can Ice Cream

The best thing about having a birthday cake is the ice cream that goes with it. This delicious homemade ice cream recipe can be made with a few simple ingredients and a couple of cans of coffee.

Learn how to make your own delicious mix! It’s so easy to make and fun to eat! A great hands-on activity for children’s parties!

There is always room for ice cream. (That’s my motto!)

Homemade icecream


1 pound. coffee can

3 pound can of coffee

1/2 cup rock salt

1 pint half and half

1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla

1/3 cup + 2 tbsp. Sugar

For flavored ice creams, choose one:

3 tablespoons of your favorite instant pudding flavor

1/3 cup of fruit (such as bananas, strawberries, peaches)

3 of your favorite cookies, crushed into pea-sized pieces

1/4 cup finely chopped walnuts


Mix the first three basic ingredients and pour into the one pound coffee can. Add flavorings if you like. Put the lid on securely and place it inside the three pound can.

Add ice and alternate layers of ice and salt outside of the small can and inside of the large can. When completely filled, secure the lid of the large can. You may want to add duct tape for good measure.

Now here comes the fun part! Lay a sheet on the floor or wrap the can in a large towel. Let party guests roll the can back and forth for at least 10 minutes. Open the cans and check the ice cream.

If it doesn’t start to freeze, put the lids back on and roll up 10 more minutes. The ice cream should freeze to the sides and bottom of the can. If it’s not thick enough, place it in the freezer and check every 10 minutes or so.

PRODUCE: 2 glasses of ice cream

Note: This recipe can be made by temperature,

humidity and other environmental factors, so please test before attempting

in a group setting.

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