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Lifestyle Fashion

Start Over in Life and Want to Show? Get Dolphin Tattoos

Dolphins are meek and gentle sea creatures loved and adored by many. Due to its excellent features, it is not surprising that more and more people are getting dolphin tattoos.

Whether for the sole purpose of designing, or just for fun, dolphin tattoos prove to be one of the best design options out there. They are specifically recommended for people who want to show that they have started a new chapter in their lives.

Symbol of Protection and Communication

Different cultures view dolphins in different lights. For Romans and Greeks, dolphins were symbols of communication and protection. The dolphins played the role of messengers between Poseidon and his subjects. They also saved drowning sailors and brought them back home to their families.

Symbol of New Life

The association of the dolphin with the beginning of a new life is said to stem from Christian belief. For these religious believers, the dolphins served as guides for the faithful, thus helping them to reunite with Jesus Christ once they separated from their mundane bodies.

The new life is also the symbolism the Celtics believe in. They are considered protectors of the water, who are given the power to wash away a person’s past sins and heal their illnesses so that they can begin a new chapter in life. With the dolphin’s ability to end a person’s previous life, they are usually connected with fresh new beginnings.

symbol of wisdom

As for the Native Americans, dolphins are often associated with wisdom and knowledge. This stems from his belief that dolphins act as messengers of the knowledge that is present in each and every person.

harmony symbol

For the Hindus and the Chinese, dolphins are considered symbols of balance and harmony. Hindus believe that Ganga, the foreman of the Ganges River, came down from the heavens aboard a magical dolphin. The Chinese, on the other hand, associate two dolphins with the philosophy of Yin and Yang, which are known to represent the balance of nature and life.

fantasy symbol

In addition to the aforementioned positive symbolism, people generally get dolphin tattoos to show off their whimsical and fickle sides. Dolphins are very cute creatures, and that is why many women and men choose to have this type of ink design.

available designs

The great thing about dolphin tattoos is that they come in a variety of styles and designs. Whether you are a man or a woman, you can find a tattoo style that suits your personality.

If you want to have a protection totem, then you better get a dolphin tattoo on your chest, to protect your heart and overall health from terrible events.

If you want to show that you have started a new life, get the tattoo in a visible area, to remind you not to go back to your old life.

Dolphins, cute sea creatures that they are, are truly beautiful tattoo designs. With its association to new life, harmony, protection, and wisdom, this new animal proves to be one of the most popular animal tattoo styles out there.


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