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How Long Does Orthodontic Treatment Take?

Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment has come a long way since the days of metal braces. Today, orthodontics is a safe, effective cosmetic dental procedure that can provide lasting, beautiful results for patients of all ages. It can also help improve the overall health of your teeth and bite.

The length of time that your treatment will take depends on the type of orthodontic treatment you receive and the severity of your misalignment. While most patients will require a year or two of orthodontics, some may need longer treatment. The good news is that the more you adhere to your treatment plan, the less time your treatment will take.

During your initial consultation, the calgary orthodontists will discuss your concerns and goals for your smile. This will allow them to create a personalized treatment plan that will best suit your needs. They will also determine if you need any additional treatments to help achieve your ideal smile. These additional treatments can include lingual braces, palatal expanders, space maintainers, retainers, headgear, and more.

How Long Does Orthodontic Treatment Take?

The orthodontist will also examine your gums and jaws for any issues. They will then take x-rays of your teeth and mouth to get a better understanding of the structure of your teeth and jaws. Depending on the results of your x-rays and evaluation, the orthodontist will develop a treatment plan that will best address your concerns and meet your expectations.

Once you start your treatment, the orthodontist will attach braces or Invisalign to the front of your teeth. They will then apply gentle, steady pressure to help move your teeth into their correct positions. During your treatment, you will visit the orthodontist regularly for adjustments. These visits usually last about 30 minutes.

If you are a teen, the orthodontist will typically recommend that you begin treatment between the ages of 12 and 16. This is because it is easier to correct your misalignment during this period of rapid growth. In addition, early treatment can help prevent relapse or worsening of your bite problem.

A teen orthodontist in Calgary is trained to provide you with a healthy, functional, and beautiful smile. They can fix problems such as crooked teeth, uneven tooth spacing, and irregularly shaped teeth. They can also treat orofacial-myofunctional disorders, such as thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, and improper swallowing.

While orthodontics is a specialization of dentistry, it is important to find an experienced orthodontist in your area to help you with your smile. To help you, we’ve compiled a list of 13 orthodontists in Calgary SW, SE, NW, and NE with advanced knowledge, deep experience, and the latest orthodontic technology. We have ranked them based on clinic history, public reviews, range of services, customer engagement, and price. Check out the full list here!


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