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How to drill ceramic tile

Drilling a ceramic tile wall, whether in a kitchen or bathroom, is not only difficult, but also has some disadvantages. The most important is the possible infiltration of moisture, which can accumulate behind the tiles and eventually cause them to detach. Before you drill, ask yourself if drilling is absolutely necessary. If it is unavoidable, preferably drill the joints between the tiles rather than the tiles to prevent them from splitting or breaking. The diameter of the hole should not be greater than twice the width of the joint. In that case, you can drill multiple holes. If you must drill into the tiles, you can use two strips of masking tape placed crosswise on the tiles and drill in the center.

Before drilling, mark where you need to place the hook or screw. Choose a drill bit that corresponds to the size of the plug you want to use. It’s best to use a drill with electronic variable speed that will automatically adapt to the job you’re doing. Also choose a tungsten drill bit.

If your drill is not equipped with an electronic variable speed, start by going very slow so you don’t break the tile. Increase speed as you feel the bit sink into the tile. Finally go full speed to reach the maximum depth of the hole.

Choose your hardware (dowels, screws, hooks) based on the materials behind the tiles.

One last piece of advice: if you intend to cover a hole in a ceramic tile, you should use a tinted cement that blends in with the color of the tile pattern. To repair a hole in the joint between the tiles, sand the joint and replace it with new grout.


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