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How to protect your family from childhood tooth decay

We always want to do the best we can when it comes to our family’s health, but the amount of misinformation floating around out there sometimes makes it hard to know the right course of action to take. Tooth decay in very young children has increased in recent years, at least in part due to the prevalence of fruit juices and other sweet drinks consumed by infants and young children, as well as infrequent visits to the dentist on the first years. of life.

Since baby teeth are replaced, why is early tooth decay so detrimental?

Many people are under the impression that baby teeth are not that important to a child’s development, as they eventually fall out and are replaced. In fact, cavities and the improper development of baby teeth can have serious consequences for the health of permanent teeth. Baby teeth (or baby teeth, as they are sometimes called) maintain the space needed for future permanent teeth. Each baby tooth stays in place until the permanent tooth below it is developed and ready to grow. When a baby tooth becomes decayed and/or structurally damaged, the surrounding teeth can put pressure on the space left by the decayed tooth(s). This can mean that permanent teeth grow out of place, possibly resulting in expensive orthodontic work.

Is fruit juice healthy for children?

Most fruit juices contain a large dose of added sugar; many contain as much in a typical serving as a can of soda. Fruit juices also tend to be very acidic; In addition to the fruit itself being acidic, many juices have citric acid added to give them a tangy flavor. Sugar and acid are two of the main culprits for tooth decay at any age. Even juices that say ‘no added sugar’ still carry all the sugar content of the fruit itself.

If you want to give your child fruit juices, leave them only at meals or for a limited time during the day. It’s much better for your teeth to be exposed to sugar and acid for a short period of time, rather than at intervals throughout the day.

Baby bottle tooth decay, or baby bottle mouth, is a syndrome that occurs in children who carry a bottle or spill-proof cup and drink beverages all day and/or take the bottle to bed or at bedtime. nap. Baby bottle tooth decay, which usually affects the upper upper teeth, occurs when the front teeth are constantly bombarded with sugary drinks and become decayed and worn down. Caries and the improper development of baby teeth can have serious consequences for the health of permanent teeth.

What else puts a child at risk for early tooth decay?

Many children don’t have their first dental appointment until some or all of their teeth have grown in; often this is around two, and research indicates that in some areas of the country, as many as twenty-five percent of kindergarten-age children have not yet seen a dentist. The fact is that a baby should see a dentist when the first tooth grows. Your dentist can check to make sure the other teeth are in good shape and will follow soon after the first, as well as give you some helpful tips on caring for your baby’s teeth as they grow.


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