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Introduction to Kotlin: a powerful programming language

Kotlin is a general-purpose, cross-platform, statically typed coding language that features type inference. It can interoperate with JVM and Java based on the Java class library. However, type inference also has a concise syntax. Let us find out more about this programming language.

Basically Kotlin’s main target is JVM, but it can also be compiled to native or JavaScript. JetBrains is responsible for the costs of language development. On the other hand, Kotlin Foundation offers protection for the Kotlin brand.

Kotlin is officially supported by Google for mobile development on mobile OS giant Android. After the introduction of Android Studio 3.0 in 2017, the language has become a good alternative to the usual Java compiler. With this compiler, you can opt for Java 8 or Java 6 compatible bytecode.


In 2011, JetBrains introduced Project Kotlin, which is a new coding language for the popular JVM. According to Dmitry Jemerov, most languages ​​did not have the desired features except for Scala.

Also, you said that Scala has a shortcoming: it has a slow compile time. Kotlin’s goal is to enable faster compilation like Java. In 2012, JetBrains marked the project as open source under the Apache 2 license.

JetBrains is hopeful that the language can boost sales of IntelliJ IDEA. On February 15, Kotlin v1.0 was released. It is the first known stable release and also features backwards compatibility.

During Google I/O 2017, the search engine giant introduced Kotlin support for Android. In 2017, Kotlin v1.2 was released. The next version came out on October 29, 2018 and brought routines for asynchronous encoding.

In 2019, the search engine giant Google announced Kotlin as its language of choice for Android app developers.


According to Andrey Breslav, Kotlin is a great object-oriented language, which has industrial strength. Furthermore, it is better than Java and can interoperate with Java code, allowing many companies to migrate to Java gradually.

Semicolons are not required to end a statement. Usually a newline is enough to end the statement. Parameter lists and variable declarations allow you to put the data type after the variable name just like TypeScript and Pascal.

Variables can be immutable, mutable, or declared with the var or val keyword. By default, class members are open to the public and are also final. It means that you cannot create a derived class.

In addition to object-based programming classes and methods, this language supports the coding of procedures with functions. Kotlin functions offer support for overloading, named arguments, variable length argument lists, etc.

The functions of the class members are distributed based on the runtime type of the object they are called on.

In short, if you are interested in the Kotlin programming language, we hope that this article has given you a lot of useful information about the language. For more information, we suggest you contact a good professional. I hope this helps.


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