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Digital Marketing

Is there passion behind your brand?

Do you create from the inside out or from the outside in? That question applies to both designing a space and creating your brand because the answer to both is the same. You must build from the inside out. But, like many of our clients who make the mistake of choosing paint color before anything else, we make the mistake of designing our marketing materials and building our website before we even define the brand. And a brand that connects with and engages people starts from within, with you and your passion.

Your brand must communicate your passion. When people visit your website, pick up a marketing piece, or hear your greeting on their voicemail, they should feel the passion behind what you do. Passion by definition is energy and people are always drawn to that energy. They want to get a piece of it, to experience it firsthand.

think about your passion. What inspires you about design? What moves you and stirs your soul? Be very clear about this because once you make that connection and incorporate it into your brand, both customers and prospects will take notice. They will feel that there is something different about your business and will be drawn to work with you.

Your passion is your calling. It is a reflection of the pure alignment between being and purpose. When you see someone living their passion, it’s contagious. My son’s music teacher of many years was a shining example of this. He taught music at the elementary school level, which for many music teachers is just a job. But it was obvious that for him it was much more. It was an opportunity to share his passion with the world around him. He gave these students much more than just an appreciation of music because he was living his passion. The children loved him and wanted to be near him. By sharing his passion with young and old alike, he engaged us all and left us energized and inspired. It could be said that what he did was with ease and pure joy. While he didn’t need a “brand” per se, he was a perfect example of how living your passion becomes your brand and draws people in. You said his name and people instantly smiled. That is what you want to create for your business through your brand.

Realize that your passion is very connected to your brand. A brand that stands out and resonates with your ideal customer starts from the inside out. Start with your passion!

Action steps:

What is your passion? If you find yourself hesitating to answer this or unsure of your answer, take the time to find out what it is. So many times we get so involved in the day to day that we lose sight of the passion that we carry inside. It is still there and always will be; you just need to make the time to connect with him. Make time for the things in your day that allow you to slow down and nurture that passion. Once you have a clear understanding of what you’re passionate about, make sure your brand reflects that passion. As you look through your website and marketing pieces, do you feel connected to the words and images? If not, your passion is not coming. Create a brand that speaks from your heart and is a reflection of your soul. You will connect with both leads and customers in a very powerful and lasting way.


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