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P90X Nutrition – My Staples

P90X workouts are tough. But I tell everyone I train that it’s diet, nutrition, and supplements that get people the results they’re looking for. Workouts make you fit on the inside, your nutrition makes you look fit on the outside….

Prepaid Legal Services 101

Surely you have heard the term “prepaid legal services”, but do you know what they are? To help, we’ve not only provided a definition, but also some pros and cons of using these types of services for your small business….

Excessive Fatigue May Be a Sign of Candida Syndrome – Exploring Candida Symptoms

Excessive tiredness or unexplained tiredness can be a sign of Candida syndrome, a common condition that often goes undiagnosed in the United States. Candida syndrome occurs with the balance of yeast. Candida Albicans is disturbed by an incorrect balance of…

Why do ferrets steal things?

The word ferret has its origin in Latin and is translated as pilferer. With that bit of knowledge, it should come as no surprise that ferrets like to steal things and hoard them. My ferrets take everything they can drag….

Property Management Software: What is it and why do you need it?

Managing real estate is not easy. There are so many different types of problems that can arise, it’s hard to keep track of them all. Making sure tenants pay rent on time, remembering a unit’s rental history, managing work orders…

Low Carb Desserts – Welcome to a visit from the sweet tooth fairy!

Low carb desserts can be a solution to your sugar cravings. Still, being addicted to sugar seems to be a national pandemic, and the sweet stuff lurks in the damnedest of places, like whole-grain produce and breads, vegetables, and even…

Finding a Hotel in Aruba: Your Guide to Choosing a Place to Stay in Aruba

One of the most important aspects when deciding on a vacation spot is the hotels in the area, and this is especially true in the case of Aruba. Regardless of how beautiful the area you want to stay in Aruba…

Checklist for traveling abroad

International travel is fun and exciting, but it can easily become stressful if you forget or lose important documents. This checklist will help make sure you have everything you need for a smooth trip. 1. At least $100 in local…

What do the symbols TM, SM and the R mean in a circle?

Have you ever picked up an item at the store or seen an ad in which the item’s name or slogan is prominently displayed with a tiny TM or SM or the letter R in a circle ®? If so,…

The history of Mexican food

Mexican food is one of the world’s favorite cuisines with the popular Mexican tacos, nachos or even enchiladas – Mexican gastronomic delights have excited the taste buds of foodies all over the world. Popular Mexican dishes are now available in…