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PART II: How to overcome the pandemic

Especially during this pandemic, it is vitally important to learn to live in the present instead of imagining living in an abysmal future. Maintaining a positive attitude is key to coping, especially in times of adversity. At such times, it can seem impossible to believe that one’s peace, calm, and hope can really be maintained or restored in the face of such uncertain times. However, it is possible and necessary to live today, reduce worry and find new ways to cope with the effects of Covid-19 and the associated isolation.

If we are going to continue to restore and experience good wellness of mind, body, and spirit, we must use all of our resources, not just a few. Faith-belief and prayer can be very helpful in combating rampant worry, fear, and anxiety. Such negativity are the real enemies, which all too often disrupt our physical health and well-being. They serve to greatly impact our mind-body-spirit connection in a negative way, even lowering our immunity and mood. Within the context of holistic wellness and overall healing of the mind and body, hope combined with uplifting faith beliefs go a long way toward eliminating fear, anxiety, depression, and despair. These positive attributes allow us to face each and every situation in new and improved ways, so that we can become our best selves, no matter what situation we face. When we are worried and without hope, that also has a great reach, it overwhelms us and spreads to others quickly, with a high level of contagion, which can be paralleled by the coronavirus.

To effectively dislodge worry, fear, and negativity, we must find ways to experience the highest possible level of calm and inner peace. Our mind-body-spirit health may very well depend on it. The close connection between body, mind and spirit is real. We need to choose to embrace positivity, even and especially, in this time of great adversity. It really is a choice that only we must make every day. Although counseling can be helpful for some who need practical help as they battle fear, depression, and anxiety during the pandemic, others may choose to pray to God and ask for his help. However, some people combine prayer and counseling for best results. It just depends on how you choose to deal with it, as to what you decide to do to find peace and serenity in these tumultuous times.

fearless faith

Judeo-Christian teaching tells us that God is a loving and compassionate God who works tirelessly to provide practical help in the form of comfort, protection, healing, and guidance. He generously blesses each of us daily through his grace, providing for all of our needs. It takes fearless faith to believe that God’s help is on the way, if only for an attitude adjustment. The Scriptures reveal that God only wants what is best for us, drawing us ever closer to Him, especially in times of adversity when we most need His help. Many people around the world believe that God will open the way for us to overcome this pandemic and all circumstances, and guide us towards a future full of hope.

relieve negativity

One’s faith beliefs and practices, such as prayer, can be very important, uplifting, and central in helping a person gain a positive outlook. It can alleviate any and all of the negativity that we face within ourselves. Life challenges like this pandemic can make you bitter or make you feel better. Believing in faith is clearly a personal choice that we all must make on a daily basis, despite facing difficult and challenging situations. Growing in faith, especially ‘dauntless faith’, allows us to let go of all negativity and face the future with renewed confidence and anticipation of good things to come. Faith can give us hope and help us stay positive even when all seems lost or when we are tired and totally overwhelmed.

Although we long for the day when we can go out without social distancing due to this pandemic, spending time together, in person, with friends and family, it is important to try to stay in the here and now. It is encouraging to think that nothing lasts forever in this life, everything is temporary and relief is surely on the way. Hopefully, in a matter of months, they’ll develop a safe vaccine that proves that to be true. Then we as a nation, as a world, will likely rise from the struggle stronger, grateful for our freedom and our loved ones, and ready to return to life as we know it.

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