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Tours Travel

Passports and visas for your financial freedom in network marketing

Financial freedom in networking allows us to travel to many places around the world. Since 9/11, we have discovered how important a passport and visa are to traveling the world.

My experiences.

Several years ago I traveled to the Ivory Coast with my wife, two sisters and a brother-in-law. Tickets purchased, passports in hand, we boarded the plane in Chicago for the long flight to Abidjan via Zurich. The efficient agent at the airline ticket counter checked our plane tickets and passports and approved us to board the flight. We were excited and looking forward to the long flight abroad. Why were we going to Abidjan? My son and his wife were missionaries in the Ivory Coast. We hoped to visit them and learn about their culture and work.

We arrived in Zurich, spent a couple of hours lounging around the airport, stretching our legs and waiting for the next part of our flight to Abidjan. Once again the counter agent checked our boarding passes, our passports and gave us permission to board the plane, now a direct flight to Abidjan.

No one told us about the surprise we would find at the Abidjan airport. First of all, this is a French-speaking country. A language that none of us could understand or speak. Second, immigration asked for our passports and visas! visas! What visas! No one suggested that we needed a visa to enter the country of Ivory Coast. Not the travel agent, not the airline agents. Now what?

“You cannot enter this country without a visa. We will put you on the plane back to Zurich.”

My wife gave a copy of my business card to a security agent who picked up our son, waiting outside customs. Tom was hired to help us and redeem our situation since he could speak his language: French. Two hours and $160 later, we were given a 3-day pass, even though we’d be in the country for three weeks!

A couple of years ago, my wife and I were in Denver, Colorado for a convention. Just as we were packing up our car to leave and driving back to Indiana, my sister called from Canada. “Dad is failing fast, we want you to come to Canada.” An hour later she called back to say that Dad had left to be with Jesus.

We repacked and headed to Canada. My wife is a US citizen and I am Canadian. However, since we did not expect to go to Canada on this trip, we did not have passports with us. I had a photocopy of my Canadian passport and my wife had a copy of her US passport. It is not the real thing.

We arrived at the Canadian border with only these photocopies (always in my car) and a telegram from my sister, an affidavit saying dad’s funeral would be in two days, please come now.

Canadian customs wanted is a REAL passport and my REAL US Green Card. Well after some time of negotiations and pleading we were given permission to enter Canada.

Why am I telling you these stories and how does this relate to financial freedom in network marketing or having your own online business?

Company policies and procedures are your passports and visas to financial freedom! These describe in detail your “journey” success while “journeying” with this company. These policies can stop you at the port of entry to financial freedom! Oh, they can take your application and money and let you buy some of the freebies. But when it comes to the true financial freedom you thought you bought, you’re underqualified or overqualified or ‘that’s not for you.’

Always look for the “gotcha” in a company’s policies and procedures BEFORE you sign an application or give them your credit card number.

If you don’t know what the “red flags” are, do some research, find a counselor who isn’t with that company, and get some advice.

For your success and a life of Abundance and Prosperity.


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