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Health Fitness

Stressed over failure to lose weight? You can be energetically changed!

Have you frequently tried to lose weight? Have you lost weight and gained it back over and over again? Isn’t it fun to be with you when you’re on a diet? Have you tried everything but never been able to achieve lasting results?

Perhaps you are energetically changed.

Old dysfunctional beliefs we hold about our bodies may be held in check during the good times, but ongoing stress and trauma in a person’s life can trigger these beliefs and inappropriate behavior resurfaces. Take, for example, these three different reactions to a scenario where a husband leaves his overweight housewife for a younger, more attractive woman. One woman becomes angry and hostile, taking out her frustration on the whole world, another takes charge of her life, loses weight, changes her clothes and hairstyle and finds an exciting new job while a third gives up, sit in front of the television eating chocolates. and she gets fatter. These very diverse reactions have completely different core messages about what relationships are about and how to function in a crisis. Then the person stakes her life based on core beliefs held deep in the subconscious.

The first expression of an emotion, whether positive or negative, is a change in the electrical state of the body. There is now a wealth of research to support the idea that in addition to having a physical body that feeds on food, humans also function with an intricate energy system that feeds on electrical impulses that circulate through the body. Chinese doctors have been using acupuncture points in this energy system for at least 5,000 years. The key to many of the disturbances we experience in our daily lives is found in this system.

Energy patterns are configured throughout life. Many of these are collected when we are children. From the time of birth to age two, our brain waves are at the delta level (1-4 cycles/sec. associated with unconsciousness), from age two to age twelve, levels move from theta (4-8 cycles/sec associated with deep unconsciousness). relaxation and deep sleep) to alpha (8-14 cycles/sec associated with daydreaming, meditation, hypnosis) and then to beta (14-25 cycles/sec associated with standard movement and awareness). During this period our mind is extremely suggestible and we are mesmerized by everything we see, hear, feel, taste and touch. Our beliefs about the world, marriage, family, work, etc., are formed, either positively or negatively. Throughout life, as we experience frightening traumatic events, we feel more vulnerable and create more energetic imbalances.

Being changed is an imbalance of polarity around a certain area in one’s life. This concept (described as psychologically inverted by California psychologist Roger Callahan, who discovered Thought Field Therapy) originated in Applied Kinesiology. Psychological reversal, or being changed, is caused by self-defeating negative thinking that results in constant internal conflict between what the person says they want and deep underlying negative beliefs.

Fear beliefs about being thin, for example, may remain dormant but affect everyday decisions. They help define who we are, how we live, and how we view the world around us. Consider these body-aware beliefs about weight, which may be a sign of conflict between the intellectual mind and programmed beliefs about thinness.

Beliefs that help you hold on to stored energy (fat):

  • I don’t deserve to be happy with my body.
  • My weight prevents me from gaining more
  • It is not safe for me if I lose weight.
  • My weight prevents me from making changes in my life
  • Other family members are overweight and that is my destiny.
  • Staying fat helps me not to have feelings
  • My size allows me to avoid certain sports, hobbies, or events.
  • I avoid some social situations because of my weight.
  • If I stopped eating ice cream, cake, etc., it would be like losing a friend.
  • My weight allows me to be passive, contain myself, etc. etc.

For every negative belief on the list, there is an opposite positive belief that can be substituted.

Every diet you tried was an outside job. He was asked to get in shape and act correctly externally: eat low-fat foods, exercise more, and drink large amounts of water. The energetic approach to getting rid of stored energy is an inside job.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a form of energy psychology that can be used to free you from emotional and physical issues that are keeping you from becoming and staying naturally thin. You can learn to use this innovative procedure on yourself to release stress, cravings, eating triggers, self-esteem issues, and quickly regain emotional balance. It is a method of effectively responding to our inner selves so that healthy living is a natural extension of vitality and balance in mind, body, and spirit.

EFT maintains that the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system. With remarkable consistency, EFT relieves symptoms through a routine of tapping the fingertips on specific points on the energy meridians while thinking or feeling a problem or problem. This then neutralizes interruptions in the body’s electrical system.

Many energy imbalances can be partially or completely relieved in a short time using this process. Others may require repetition. More complicated problems often have several different layers or aspects that will need to be balanced in turn. The idea is simply to persist until all relevant aspects have been neutralized and released. The results are usually long lasting. EFT frequently provides relief where other techniques fail and has a high success rate, typically 80-90% or better.

To get rid of stored energy, you need to address the root cause. Like any other addiction, food addiction is driven by anxiety. How many times have you raided the fridge or had that late-night snack even though you weren’t hungry? Your reasoning may have been boredom or loneliness, but it was a form of anxiety nonetheless. The anxiety that drives an addiction to food or any other substance or behavior can come from anywhere. It can come from abusive childhood experiences, traumatic memories, or stress in the family or workplace. To get rid of your stored energy, you must eliminate the anxiety that drives your overeating behavior. What better tool to use than EFT!

Your weight problem will be solved by achieving balance in body, mind and lifestyle. You can’t do that by trying ANOTHER new diet program, starving yourself, or buying the latest low-fat foods. You do it. The way you do it is to get out your EFT tool bag and tap on those harsh, negative thoughts, impossible expectations, and silly excuses about your eating. Balance your body, mind and lifestyle, keep your fingers on the pulse of your inner life and get on with your business of living the life of a naturally slim person.


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