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Testosterone Therapy (continued) – The Dangers of Bad Estrogen

Estrogens cause men as many problems as estrogen dominance causes in women.

There are nearly 50 types of chemicals we are exposed to that have a bad estrogen-like effect on the body. For example, plastics (microwaved or frozen bottled water is worse), pesticides, and cosmetics mimic dangerous forms of estrogen that increase 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone and 4-hydroxyestrone.

Problems like weight gain, hair loss, and an enlarged prostate are magnified unless you know how to filter or detoxify these “bad” estrogens and restore the “good” estrogens. (2-hydroxyestrone) along with balancing testosterone. We use supplements derived from cruciferous vegetables or flax. Japanese soybeans are processed differently with more beneficial effects than soybeans in the US Look for creams that contain Chrysin and Dim-Diindolylmethane to eliminate bad estrogens.

>Some medications reduce the production of estrogen and some medications reduce the conversion of testosterone to estrogen analogues.

Many of the drugs developed to lower estrogen in women are being used by some bodybuilders to reduce estrogen levels and therefore fat. The most popular today is Arimidex. Arimidex is expensive and powerful, but it can be broken down into smaller doses to make it more affordable and to somewhat reduce potential side effects when used long term. Most men using this medication will suddenly notice that the normal hair in the middle of their upper back stops growing. That’s because this is an estrogen sensitive area.

This is genetically encoded and modulated by hormones. Some anti-aging doctors, including Paul Savage MD of Chicago, believe that hair growth on the head can be improved by reducing the bad kind of estrogen, while restoring testosterone and growth hormone. Testosterone or DHT suppression to reduce hair loss and control an enlarged prostate has not been as effective as proper control and balance of estrogen and testosterone. Many medical experts are using a shampoo to control scalp DHT, without suppressing total body DHT, realizing that men need some DHT to be healthy, sexually functioning, and virile.

Thierry Hertoghe MD from Belgium, also discovered that testosterone, along with the hormone ACTH, could restore hair growth, along with proper administration of thyroid, cortisol, and DHEA. Synthetic steroids are a powerful class of drugs, with many important medical uses; however, even the “cleaner” synthetically derived testosterone androgens, such as nandrolone (also known commercially as “Deca”), can leave unnatural metabolites in the blood. , some having effects similar to estrogen or progestin. With these particular metabolites, Arimidex may not get the job done. They are actually better metabolized with DIM-(Diindolylmethane), which is found in our Lean N Fit and our Estroblock. A dose of 300 to 600 mg daily (4 to 6 capsules combined) can be quite effective after two to four weeks, in combating the estrogen-like rebound effects of synthetic steroids.

The number one reason women can benefit from the addition of natural testosterone is to improve sexual function and energy. Dr. Eugene Shippen believes that if a woman is to receive adequate bioidentical hormone replacement, the regimen should include androgen replacement (in most cases). Literally thousands of women around the world have used our Strength Energy Cream with great results, because it restores androgens such as testosterone, DHEA, and pregnenolone.

In several studies, women with fatigue, low libido, feelings of low self-esteem or poor body image, bone loss, and PMS, can use low-dose testosterone gel or Strength Energy cream with excellent results. In general, low doses for a period of 1 to 2 years have helped many postmenopausal women to regain or increase sexual drive, increase frequency of sexual thoughts, satisfaction, energy, and reports of
“pleasure and general enthusiasm” with life. Of course, too much testosterone can cause more obvious side effects.
for women. Women with low testosterone levels will actually respond better to transdermal creams or our Strength Energy Cream than
Contains beneficial androgens. Some women will need estrogen and progesterone therapy, especially if they have had synthetic labor.
control pills that raise estrone without giving you the healthy benefits of natural estradiol, progesterone and testosterone. Estroblock will help those who have been taking birth control pills to regain a better body shape and health.


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