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The male iguana ego: how it is similar to the human male ego

Did you know that iguanas were relatives of lizards? These creatures are among the exotic animals that people tend to keep as pets in modern society. Due to this trend, many pet stores are selling iguanas at a relatively low price. Those who are sold are usually young in age. What is the reason for the interests of the people? They find the iguanas to be a cute animal so they get excited and bring them home as pets. However, these reptiles grow larger and tend to become aggressive.

While iguanas can make wonderful pets; people should never forget that they like other pets, they need proper food and care. It is necessary to learn how the iguana and its habitat work in order to give them the proper care they need to grow.

So what is an iguana? How are they similar to lizards? What are the characteristics of the iguana and are they harmful? Remember that iguanas are similar to lizards and belong to the same family but to be more specific they belong to the Iguanidae family.

Iguanas are seen as invasive creatures that can be found on the shores of Gasparilla Island and along the Gulf Coast of Florida. They can be seen in the attics of houses and along the beach. However, they thrive best while in the desert and rain forests as wild animals.

There are many species of iguanas. They vary due to their environment in which they settle. Some live in drylands, while others grow best in tropical rain forests. You can even see some iguanas in the sea. Those are called marine iguanas. They are green iguanas that are commonly found in Mexico and South American countries, especially Brazil. They are classified under four different but main names: marine iguana, green iguana, blue iguana, and lesser Antillean iguana. As for food, iguanas are well known for being herbivores, which means that they eat leaves, fruits and plant parts.

Like other animals, their appearance and behavior vary. Basically, the way a man and a woman look and act are different from each other. When a male feels territorial, he will fight hard with other male iguanas even if they don’t win the battle. This is because it is an iguana supreme over the area. Sometimes male iguanas will seek out other male iguanas to wage war. Just like human beings, the iguana has an ego and mainly says that he needs to be the most powerful in a certain territory. They will make wars and mate with the female iguanas.

Other interesting facts about iguanas

Iguanas have a tendency to be arboreal. What does this mean? It is reduced to living in trees. It is very natural for them to stay in trees and climb on things. They can lay eggs, which they may or may not do due to predators, and iguanas can live up to about 30 years.

If you really want to have an iguana as a pet, there are things you need to keep in mind when caring for them. The iguana’s cage should be cleaned regularly and should be very large for the iguana to grow.

The iguana will need adequate lighting, a good heat supply, and last but not least, water. They will need to be fed daily and properly to keep them in wonderful physical shape. An iguana should see a vet for an annual checkup. Once all of these things have been covered and understood, you may be ready to have a pet iguana.


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