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Top 5 calls from Türkiye

Box calls are versatile, sound great, and are relatively easy to use. They are or can be sensitive to moisture and work very well in dry conditions. Box calls make putts, purrs, clucks and howls really come to life. Anyone can master the cashier call with a little practice and time. These calls do not take up much space in your pocket and are lightweight. Box calls are one of the calls for that beginning turkey hunter.

Diaphragm or mouth calls are probably the most difficult calls to master, of all the turkey calls out there. Once you’ve mastered it, this call fills a vital niche. This call is versatile, allowing hunters to produce soft clucks and purrs, but at the same time the diaphragm or mouth can achieve high frequencies and long range calls. Most hunters will say that the diaphragm or mouth call is the perfect call to lure that monster in those last few yards. They would not be for beginning hunters or if you are just starting out.

The bottom push call is the easiest call to learn, when you use the button calls they make realistic howls, clucks and purrs at the push of a button. They can be effectively manipulated with one hand, so when that big tom comes your way, you can hold your gun with one hand and keep shooting with the other hand. This call is perfect for first time turkey hunters as there is really no need to practice as all you are doing is pressing a button.

Friction or slate calls are made from a range of different materials such as slate, aluminium, titanium, glass (resin), plexiglass and copper. These calls are the most versatile calls out there. Friction or slate take more effort to master than other calls, but serious turkey hunters wouldn’t go to the woods without them. They make more realistic high pitched sounds that go the distance and impervious to wet conditions. Once you have mastered the friction or slate, you can change it up by getting a different pickguard that can create a totally different frequency, sound, and volume. Strikers come in carbon, hickory, purpleheart, plexiglass, wire, and aluminum. Having one or more strikers can be beneficial to your hunt.

The last, but not the least, is the pager call. This call does exactly what its name suggests, it locates gobblers. Loud, high-pitched calls often work well for locating warm birds, but be sure to use soft, natural-sounding calls as well. Hunters say this is the most effective way to locate nearby toms. It’s a great call to use when you’re not sure where to sit or know where the birds are going.

Successful turkey hunters will make several different calls to make sure they have every situation covered. There would be nothing worse than being in your prime spot with a devourer and not being able to lure it in. Remember to always be safe and good luck on your turkey hunt.


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