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WoW professions guide: what is the best profession for a shaman?

As one of the few hybrid classes in World of Warcraft, Shamans can choose to become a healer (restore tree), caster (elemental tree), or melee DPS (enhancement tree). Regardless of what you choose, Shamans are an extremely fun class to play and can ultimately benefit from most professions.

While it’s not uncommon for a shaman profession guide to recommend Mining/Jewelry as your primary profession choice, Leatherworking and Skinning would be a better overall choice for leveling up speed.

Skinning and Leatherworking

For Seekers and Grinders, Skinning and Leatherworking are ideal professions. All the mats needed to level both professions can be found during daily leveling, so there is absolutely no need to buy expensive mats from the auction house. By leveling up in Leatherworking, Shamans can craft impressive pre-raid gear for themselves, regardless of their talent spec. The buff that comes with Skinner, Master of Anatomy can be very useful for Shamans as he will add +32 to Critical Strike Rating.

Leatherworking can become a nice little side business, as both rogues and druids also require leather gear. Although shamans wear chain mail, many pieces of leather need to be crafted to upgrade their profession. These excess leather sets can be sold to rogues and druids for a handsome profit.

Mining and Jewelry

Jewelry is a popular choice for Alliance Shaman players, as the Draeni, the only Alliance Shaman race, have a starting level of +10 in jewelry. When combined with mining, jewelry can be very quick and easy to level. One of the best benefits of this profession are stone statues, which can heal a player while leveling up. Gems can have some very nice stat boosts and can also be placed in equipment slots. With the Prospecting skill, a player can also extract gems from the ores you receive during Mining. He can not only create unique and soul-bound gems, but he can also sell many of these gems for an impressive profit.


Like many classes, Herbalism and Alchemy can always be a solid match for Shamans. Both are easy to level up and save you money on potions. The Life Blood buff, which heals 2000 hp over 5 seconds, can easily become a lifesaver on the battlefield. Enchanting is also a popular choice, as there are some enchantments that can only be applied by becoming an enchanter (mainly ring enchantments). With Enchanting, Shamans can create very good pre-raid gear, especially when paired with Tailoring. Since elemental and restoration shamans often wear cloth armor, a combination of Tailoring and Enchanting can really save some gold.

It’s hard to have a completely comprehensive WoW profession guide because there are so many options to choose from. In the end, the WoW profession you choose depends entirely on your play style and your needs as a player.


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