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3 Common Family Conflicts (EXPERT)

As parents and children interact on a daily basis, there are likely to be conflicts. When different generations and parenting styles mix, work gets hectic. It is time to make compromises for a peaceful home and a happy family.

There are no perfect parents or perfect children (no matter what grandma says).

Children do not always behave the way we would like, and when spouses and in-laws do not always agree with our parenting style, there are likely to be frustrations, confusion, and uncertainty.

Here are just three questions that have hit our parenting blog in the last few weeks.


Some families are committed to sleeping in a bed when a baby needs to nurse frequently or a young child has trouble sleeping alone. But what happens when a parent or mother-in-law objects? Does the spouse resort to sleeping on the couch to get a good night’s rest?

If this happens, then it is time to reconsider sleeping arrangements for babies or toddlers. Most babies stop breastfeeding in the middle of the night around six months and will sleep through the night if placed in a nearby crib.

Young children and parents alike will get a more restful night’s sleep if the nightly ritual is firm, gentle, and consistent. Everyone needs and deserves uninterrupted sleep.

What you think? What has worked for your family?


To end a disciplinary war, it is necessary to stop power struggles and create an atmosphere of mutual respect. For discipline to be an effective learning experience, it must have a natural or logical consequence.

A natural consequence is anything that happens naturally without adult interference or intervening to solve your child’s problems. So if you forget your coat, you get cold. If you don’t do your homework, you get a bad grade.

A logical consequence is one that is designed to teach a lesson or provide a useful learning experience. For example, if a child continues to hit another child, they are placed on time-out.

What has worked for you? How did you handle this problem?

Whining and crying

As a parent educator, this is the number one complaint from parents. It is especially concerning when one parent or grandparent gives in and the other tries to be consistent by applying firm but gentle discipline.

This confuses the child as to whether you are serious about the rule. By being inconsistent, you are also teaching your child to become manipulative and devious in trying to get his way.

Always try to say, “Sorry, my ears cannot hear or understand whining words or yelling. Calm down and speak to me in your respectful voice and I will listen to you.”

This assumes, of course, that you have taught and modeled what a respectful voice sounds like.

What you think? Does this method work in your family?

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