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Akashic Record Readings – Discover the Story of your Soul

What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records are an energetic database of all thoughts, feelings, and actions of every human soul incarnated in all forms. It contains vital clues about where we have been and when, who we were, who we interacted with, and our vibration level.

We can, from the records, find our group of origin Souls. Some of us are primarily Earth Souls who have chosen to spend each and every life on Earth. Earthlings are very in tune with our planet, they enjoy spending time in nature and are concerned about the future of the planet. Many Earthlings tend to veer into healing with crystalline energies and have a natural gift for it.

Some of us are star travelers from planets like Artuvia, commonly known as ‘starseeds’. Each star system has created different attributes that are found within the humans that have originated from those systems. The Akashic Records can also show us our training energy center, each of which has specific characteristics and gifts. An example of this are those who were trained under Archangel Michael. Michaelites are well known for their blunt honesty which can and does cause some degree of hesitance on your part to speak your truth. This is due to the reaction of others to your honesty. This is the energy center of Divine Truth, Intuition and protection. It is associated with the third eye chakra.

When we realize the origin of our Soul and the energy training center, we are better able to live according to the gifts of our Soul. This can be helpful when choosing a career or business, for example. It is a step towards becoming our true selves.

Our past lives can also be accessed from the Akashic Records. We can fully understand from this wisdom why we have challenges and problems in this life. It can also help us understand why we have difficult relationships with family members, for example. Some of us have experienced conflicting viewpoints and lifestyles, for example with siblings or children. Just because we are from the same human family does not necessarily mean that we are from the same soul group. We can have completely different ideas about how to live our lives, which can cause disagreements.

Some people are shocked when I tell them about past life situations that are causing difficulties in their current lives. Things such as vows, contracts, and even thought forms are present. It is possible to have made a vow to an organization, person or being that was not for our highest good and still affects us today at the level of the Soul. As a trained soul realignment practitioner, I am able to access the information necessary to remove blockages and restrictions and empower people to fully assume their spiritual and personal power.


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