
The inventions you need.


Adopting a Pug – Do your research before adopting

We live in a world where almost everything is available online. Adopting a pug is no exception. Petfinder, among many other websites, has been a great relief for pet lovers. It features detailed lists on a large number of pets,…

How to Choose Your Rabbit Breed for a Rabbit Breeding Company

Choosing the breed of rabbit for your rabbit breeding business will depend on the purpose of the farm. Some farms are dedicated to producing rabbits for meat, while others keep rabbits for their fur. Outside of the realm of rabbit…

Why do ferrets steal things?

The word ferret has its origin in Latin and is translated as pilferer. With that bit of knowledge, it should come as no surprise that ferrets like to steal things and hoard them. My ferrets take everything they can drag….

The Basics of Keeping Your Cairn Terrier Happy

While the Cairn Terrier is certainly a very popular dog, owning one isn’t for everyone! The breed is extremely energetic, excitable, and notoriously stubborn. However, if you have the time and patience to raise a Cairn Terrier, it will be…

Search here for the most suitable dog breed for you

Dog breeds are certain types of dogs that have a distinctive appearance and temper. Dog breeds can reveal a lot about size, appearance, and canine personality Doing research to find out what breed of dog suits your personality and lifestyle…

Wildlife in Trondheim, Norway

There are many species of wild animals in Norway, such as: moose, lynx, squirrels, vipers, wolves, foxes, deer, snakes, deer, birds, insects, wildcats, badgers, and bears. Most of these animals are not dangerous as long as they do not feel…

Your pets and your guardian angel

If you’re like most people, you consider your pets part of your family. You love them and you get a lot of love in return, and you get upset when they get sick or go missing even for a short…

7 things your cat wants you to know

It’s no surprise that cats are some of the most treasured pets in the United States. Between their sweet charms and smart personalities, they have everything going for them. But what if there were some things your cat wanted to…

The Bichon Yorkie – A Great Friend

People dress for the company that is present with a terrier. The joyous movement of a young pup and the carefree attitude he seems to have is something that many other pups cannot match. There have been many great breeds…

Differences Between Heat Exhaustion, Heat Prostration, and Heat Stroke

Hyperthermia is the elevation of body temperature, primarily in response to disease or the environment. Excessive heat and humidity are a deadly combination for man and beast! This is especially true for dogs that are not acclimated. Many are under…