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Does my family limit my success?

Does my family limit my success? Can that be possible?

When we are on the journey to success, we may find ourselves looking at many factors to see how they impact our pursuit; Is it me or my past or my fears that have been holding me back all this time? Maybe it’s my experience or lack of talent? I’m not sure why, but something seems to keep me from reaching the level of awesomeness that I know I’m capable of.

Could it be that your family is limiting the success you achieve? How many times do we fail to realize how the people closest to us may be limiting our success? Consider the following;

• Living with an unsupportive spouse: This is by far one of the biggest impediments to success a person can have. When her spouse doesn’t support what he’s doing, she has this tendency to talk about it negatively (some call it nagging and yes, men can nag just as much as a woman). This constant annoyance can be like water dripping down the sink. Go down slowly, continuously, all the time. Can it shake your nerves? Yes! Does it water you? Yes!

• No supportive family members: Just like your spouse who can nag you into insanity, so can family members who are close to you and whose opinions you value. We want to be so successful and a blessing to our family, but when they don’t have faith in you, the journey becomes difficult.

• Living with ungrateful children: Parents want to give their children the best that money can buy and work very hard to provide them with a comfortable lifestyle. Unfortunately, many children do not appreciate the sacrifices and instead complain about what they do not have or cannot do. This constant irritation can take a toll on parents and makes it hard to focus on success when kids are only focused on personal gain.

• Living alone – Being alone can limit your ability to regularly encourage yourself. When a single person falls, there is no one there to pick them up. It is very difficult to try again after being let down so many times. For those who live alone, you must master the internal dialogue. Tell yourself that you can succeed and believe that things will change because you are the ultimate instrument of change in your life.

How do you overcome the challenges of having unsupportive people in your life? Through a lot of intentional thinking. Remember; Anyone who isn’t helping him reach her goals usually gets in the way of his goals.


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