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Jack Bauer’s Leadership Guide: 10 Lessons for Leaders of "24"

I’m a self-confessed “24 Fanatic.” Given the choice between going out to town and seeing Chloe’s personality disorder, I’ll take Chloe and CTU without a doubt.

As the 24 seasons unfolded, I have thought more than once about the lessons 24 has for today’s business leaders who run their own CTU. (Competitive tactical units).

I wish every company had a Jack Bauer they could call on to fulfill the mission and lead field operations!

# 1: Successful missions start with good intelligence. Jack never goes blind on a mission. CTU analysts send you the latest satellite updates and information so you know exactly what you’re getting into and can develop your entry strategy. If only your sales team, you had that information before speaking to a potential customer.

# 2: Field operations need communication and support from the command. Jack is never alone. He is backed by a team that provides constant tactical support. Are operations supporting your team in the field?

# 3: To get things done, you need a direct line to the president. Jack has had to call the big man more than once to clear an obstacle in the road, and you will too when the going gets tough! Do you have quick access to your president when and if you need it?

# 4: People with personality disorders sometimes have the greatest talent— Put up with. Your business may depend on having the best person for the job. Chloe and Edgar won’t win you over with their communication skills, but that’s not what they’re there for, they’re the best at what they do.

# 5: Every organization needs protocols–Rules of the Road on what to do in the worst case and when to call Division. How familiar is your team with the rules that the playbook provides for problem solving?

# 6: Good leadership implies a calm, unemotional response to crisis. We saw it in President Palmer, but in later episodes, when Air Force One went down, I didn’t feel too safe with President Keeler at the helm. You saw? Remember that when we are angry or excited, our IQ drops 50%. Good decisions never happen with 50% brainpower.

# 7: Beware of traitors on your own team. They are the ones doing the most damage to your operations. Do you have Nina or Ms. Palmer on your team sabotaging your mission? Sometimes undercover and sometimes not, these “insider terrorists” are diverting your resources and attention and are likely at the root of your unit’s negativity and team morale problems. Uproot them. It’s not okay to be a traitor.

# 8: Sometimes leaders just never have a life! Poor Jack. Hero yes, but we never see this guy eat, much less have any kind of life. Even heroes are human. Just once, wouldn’t you love to see Jack at home with nothing to do, no shoes, eating popcorn and watching TV? It will never happen, but make sure it happens to you.

# 9: Know the enemy: be they terrorists or competitors. They have plans, technology, and they don’t follow rules, which makes them extremely dangerous.

# 10: A good agent like Jack Bauer is a multi-skilled problem solver.. He is loyal, confident, calm in crisis situations and knows the protocols. A good agent like Jack Bauer gets dirty and sometimes breaks the rules to accomplish the mission, but is always guided by core values ​​and a commitment to doing what is best for the country.

So maybe you have more in common with Jack Bauer than you thought? In which case, take 24 hours just for yourself and your family. Your Country, Your Organization needs you well rested for the next mission.


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