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Eat Your Way Out of Sinus Infection Symptoms: A Simple 5-Day Detox Plan

Do you send your car in for maintenance after a while so that when it leaves the auto shop you’ll hear the vroom sound again? If so, just think about this. Your car is not moving 24 hours a day,…

How falling in love is like having a new puppy

The night before Valentine’s Day, my husband, Lorenzo, came upstairs with a small bundle of furs. Looking up from my computer, I asked, “What is that? Is it stuffed? Is it alive?” Lorenzo leaves the fluff ball on the ground….

Basic steps to establish a business in Dubai

Thinking of starting your business in Dubai? Congratulations, you have chosen one of the best business ecosystems in the world for your new venture. Dubai is more than just a city of architectural wonders – it is one of the…

Courier Service Provider

Courier services are very useful services that help transport items or products of various types that may require urgent, secure or discreet delivery. Items that need to be mailed can be anything valuable such as money orders, legal business documents,…

Abacoa Real Estate and Homes for Sale in Jupiter Florida

Jupiter Abacoa real estate can be described in three words: lifestyle, love and location. Abacoa real estate can be found in all 15 family-owned communities. Each community has its own unique identity, but they all share one thing in common:…

My husband says he loves me like the mother of his children, but he doesn’t like being with me

I recently heard from a wife who had pressed her husband about how he “really” felt about her. She felt that she needed to ask this question because she couldn’t help but notice how things had felt dead between them…

The essence of technical writing

The essence of technical writing Technical writing, although it may seem complex on the surface, is not so complex when approached in a pragmatic and systematic way. To keep it simple, technical writing is just the process of peeling back…

The need for a causal link to the adverse employment action

On December 9, 2009, the California Court of Appeals decided the case of George v. California Unemployment Insurance Board of Appeals (2009) 179 Cal.App.4th 1475. In that case, a jury found that a state agency had unlawfully retaliated against George,…

What colorful wallpaper can do for your home

The color of your rooms is much more important than you initially think. But how good is your color perception? Many colors have been shown to have a noticeable effect on mood and behavior patterns. It has even been shown…

Handling windshield repairs

Have you ever been driving down a major road behind a truck and had a rock throw you back in the face? Thank goodness for windshields that protect us from the hazards of road debris! That’s the good news. The…